

#  yum install -y tigervnc-server tigervnc-server-module xorg-x11-fonts-Type1 xrdp

 systemctl start xrdp

 systemctl enable xrdp

8. Configure firewall to allow RDP:


firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=3389/tcp

 firewall-cmd --reload

5 Tools For Remote Desktop Access On RHEL/CentOS

Meanwhile, at first you need to have a GUI in your server  or desktop environment.

# yum groupinstall 'GNOME Desktop Environment' 'X Window System'

1. Tigervnc server

Tigervnc has been derived from VNC. It is one of the popular remote desktop access software. Run the following command to install it on RedHat and CentOS.

# yum install -y tigervnc-server

2. VNC

VNC or Virtual Network Computing is a popular GUI based remote desktop tool. Run the following command to install it in RHEL and CentOS. At first, you need to enable EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) repository.

# yum -y install epel-release

Now, install x11vnc.

# yum -y install x11vnc


xrdp is an Open Source Remote desktop Protocol server.

   #yum -y install epel-release     #yum -y install xrdp

Start xrdp with following command.

   # systemctl start xrdp.service 

4. FreeNX

FreeNX is a remote desktop tool  based on  NoMachine.

For CentOS:

# rpm -Uvh # rpm -Uvh

For Centos 7

rpm -Uvh # rpm -Uvh

Run the following command to install server and agent:

# yum install freenx-server nxagent 

Enable passdb authentication:

# echo 'ENABLE_PASSDB_AUTHENTICATION="1"' >> /etc/nxserver/node.conf

Create user for remote access and assign password:

# /usr/libexec/nx/nxserver --adduser bob  NX> 100 NXSERVER - Version 3.2.0-74-SVN OS (GPL, using backend: not detected) NX> 1000 NXNODE - Version 3.2.0-74-SVN OS (GPL, using backend: not detected) NX> 716 Public key added to: /home/bob/.ssh/authorized_keys2 NX> 1001 Bye. NX> 999 Bye  #/usr/libexec/nx/nxserver --passwd bob  NX> 100 NXSERVER - Version 3.2.0-74-SVN OS (GPL, using backend: not detected) New password: Password changed. NX> 999 Bye

Now, install epel-repos and opennx client on your machine:

# yum install opennx

5. Teamviewer

Teamviewer is a popular cross platform remote desktop tool.

   # yum -y install wget     # wget

Install it, using this command:

   # yum install teamviewer.x86_64.rpm
