Friday, September 6 (Summer 2019, week 8) at Gene's

Post date: Sep 07, 2019 3:40:44 AM

7 - 7:25 Lord El-Melloi II's Case Files {Rail Zeppelin} Grace note 9 (CR)

7:25 - 7:50 Feature: Golden Kamuy OVA 1 (fs)

7:50 - 8:15 Macross 7 ep 8 (fs)

8:15 - 8:40 Astra Lost in Space 10 (Funi, Hulu)

8:40 - 8:50 intermission

8:50 - 10:05 RobiHachi 4-6 (Funi, Hulu)

10:05 - 10:30 Re-sampler: Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny-Girl Senpai (CR, VRV-via-HD, Funi, Hulu)

10:30 - 10:55 March comes in like a lion 30 (CR, VRV, Netflix)

Notes: We got a bit of a late start, so we decided to push the Bunny Girl re-sampler off to a later date.


  1. Gene

  2. Alan

  3. David