Friday, July 22 (Summer 2016 week 1) at Gene's

Post date: Jul 23, 2016 2:15:57 AM

7 - 7:50 Toward the Terra TV 3-4 (DVD)

7:50 - 8:45 Samplers:

Berserk (2016) (CR)

Momokuri (CR)

8:45 - 8:55 intermission

8:55 - 9:45 The Lost Village 2-3 (CR)

9:45 - 11 Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto 2-4 (CR, TAN, TubiTV)

Notes: Brian said he wouldn't be able to make it tonight. Steve couldn't either - he was heading down to Comic-con. We did have some excitement, though - todwasn't just hot, there was a 1500+ acre fire in Santa Clarita (the Sand Fire), placing a nice apocalyptic-looking smoke cloud over the San Gabriel mountains, and leading to a fine rain of ash on cars in the Pasadena area.


  1. Gene

  2. David

  3. Arthur

  4. Alan