
Your advisor in the MAIS program is the program director. You should meet regularly to assess progress in the program and to update the plan of study if necessary. You can make an appointment with the director at .


All MAIS students will participate in a MAIS program Notebook on Microsoft TEAMS. You can go directly to our "Class Notebook" The MAIS Program. This will allow us to design individual folders in a Notebook that will help us to keep track of your progress. Our MAIS Notebook contains a brief welcome page, a collaboration space (where anyone can write and edit), a Content Library where we can post general public documents, and your folder (which is limited to you and the program staff).

In your folder you'll find documents that chart your progress in the program.

  • Add your mission statement. You can revise it as needed.

  • Include a list of the courses you plan to take or have taken. Here, too, you can revise as needed

  • Check the degree requirements. This is what I'll fill out and send in when you are ready to graduate. Your official degree audit can be found on myNKU.

  • Submit a profile we can use for social media posts. This appears as a survey, but you can update the information at any time by resubmitting it.

  • Look at a list of resources with links to important sites.

In Teams you can access the Class Notebook from the General Channel; select Class Notebook from the top menu bar. When prompted you can download the OneNote app for your desktop to use, or continue to use your browser. The desktop app works well, but it is not necessary. You will need to sign in with your NKU credentials.

Please look over the information that is currently listed and revise as necessary. Be sure your mission statement reflects your current goals and that you have an updated plan of study. Email me if you have any questions.