Master's Degree

The MA in Integrative Studies offers a flexible interdisciplinary graduate program through which students develop Master’s level expertise that meets their personal or professional goals. Working with the program director, students design an individualized plan of study to address a complex, real-world problem or issue that goes beyond the scope of traditional disciplinary or professional programs. Students choose graduate courses from two or more different disciplines. They then integrate insights and methods to create a rigorous capstone project or Master’s thesis.

    • Our students are those seeking intellectual enrichment or professional enhancement outside of rigid traditional disciplinary or professional programs. Whether you are mid-career looking for professional enhancement, continuing your education directly from an undergraduate degree, or pursuing your lifelong passion for learning - our program offers unrivaled versatility.

    • We can help you design a program that fits your interests and goals. Choose graduate classes from existing NKU graduate programs and from the Greater Cincinnati Consortium. An introductory course prepares you for interdisciplinary study. A capstone or thesis project will bring it all together.

    • Our graduates are adept problem solvers, critical thinkers, effective communicators, and productive collaborators with experience in many different fields of thought. They have used their MAIS degree to advance successfully in their current careers, to facilitate a change in careers, and to pursue personal goals. Graduates from interdisciplinary programs are what many companies call “T-shaped professionals”--individuals with both breadth and depth of knowledge, who can integrate knowledge from a variety of sources, who are innovative, and who can understand problems from different perspectives.

Our Expectations for MAIS Graduates

The MAIS graduates are capable of transdisciplinary thinking and working with experts on a professional level both in and outside of the academy. They are familiar with the state of the art in a selected field or problem space and can contribute new ideas or propose novel solutions. Graduates are ready to engage with experts in a chosen field.

Revised 01.30.2021