
Below are examples of the many good ePortfolios we have received of the past few years. Some of these are modeled on the previous requirements with important artifacts from the IST classes and two artifacts from other classes in the focus areas. Review these to get an idea of how you might design and organize your ePortfolio. More examples can be found on the IST ePortfolio Showcase.

BAIS ePortfolios

A. Israel

American Mental Health—Misdiagnosis of ADHD in Early School Aged Children

Amy Alig

The Underrepresentation of Women in Technology Leadership Impacts Society and the Economy

Joshua Isabell

Employee Retention in Healthcare

Bianca Calipo

Coral Crown: An Illustrated Poetry Collection

Kourtney Smith

An Integrative Perspective on Providing Inclusiveness in Organizations

Aaron Gibbs

Improving Diversity Aspects Within Libraries Using Organizational Leadership:An Integrative Approach

Savannah Slaby

A History of Punishment: the “Angry Black Woman” Trope in TV and Film

Alex Lapin

Unemployment Benefits: The Need for a Strong Federal Program

Amanda Lakatos

Fact and Fiction: News in the Age of Social Media

Dana Foster

Can the organizational structure of state-run foster care be improved in order to better provide a nurturing environment for foster children?

Elizabeth Rowe

A Child’s Call for Help: The Need for Mental Health Intervention in Public Schools

Les Ellison

Sustainably Alleviating the Distress of Orphaned and Abandoned Children

Kelsey Doss

How can Vaping Interventions Can be Beneficial in Schools?

Indigo Francis

Healing The Focus: How can elementary school teachers and administrators help prevent misdiagnosis of ADHD in school-age children?

Shelby Hart

Affordable High-quality Music Education for All

Alexandria Underwood

Abortions: Safety, availability, and accessibility of abortion services

Angie Steward

Lack of Professional Caregivers in an Aging Society Leads to an Increasing Need for Training of Informal Caregivers

Fairley Neal

Animal Welfare and Humanitarianism

MacKenzie Boyd

Motherhood Out Loud ​Paperless

Robert Bihl

The Importance of Art’s Impact on Society

Savannah Dailey

Fine Arts Programs are Necessary for Quality Modern Education

Brittany Reynolds

Written by the Winners:

What We Learn from Propaganda and Education in Dystopian Fiction

Rebecca Bodenbender

Solving the STEM Conundrum: Where are the Women?

Ashley Murrey

Employee Retention and Attraction: Meeting Employee's Current Needs

Dan Guthrie

The Fight for Our Democracy

Laura Bluford

Therapeutic Play: Not Only Fun, but Essential

Krisha Hinkle

Unemployment in Eastern Kentucky: The Literacy Effect

MAIS ePortfolios

Dan Hendrickson

Transforming Admissions and Enrollment using Big-Data

Krizia Cabrera-Toro

Increasing Underrepresented Minority Representation in STEM Majors at a Comprehensive Public University in Kentucky

Jessica Sharkey

Applying Counseling Skills in te Workplace

Michelle Vasco

Multi-sensory Environments

Stefanie Sinclair

A Watcher’s Guide: Why There Needs to be a Larger Counseling Focus in College Student Affairs, Starting with Orientation Programs

Mark Meckstroth

Proposal for an Interdisciplinary Approach to Increasing the Retainment and Achievement of First-Generation College Students

Leyla Pena

Supporting Latino Families in the College Process

Ophelia Marks

Leaders and Followers: Overcoming Communication Challenges and Improving Workplace Relationships

Revised 2020.12.19