Integrative Studies ePortfolio Showcase

 Welcome to the Integrative Studies ePortfolio Showcase.

Every semester Integrative Studies hosts an ePortfolio Showcase for all Integrative Studies majors, highlighting the work of our continuing and graduating students. 

What? Your ePortfolio is the centerpiece of your experience as an Integrative Studies student. There you can chart your journey, reflect on what you’ve learned, and showcase your best work. Artists often create a portfolio of their best work, with reflections and background information, to share with the public and potential employers and clients.  

Who? We want to see the ePortfolios at every stage of the program. This includes beginning ePortfolios created in IST 185, ePortfolios with artifacts and reflection of courses and experiences along the way, and the research and reflection from those in our capstone courses, IST 397 and IST 497. Graduate student can share ePortfolios from any stage in their journey.

When? We will host the public spring Showcase from Tuesday April 25 through Friday April 28.

How? Where? We will use the web-based platform Padlet. You can upload your ePortfolio by simply supplying a link. Anyone can comment on other ePortfolios, ask questions, or share ideas for further research or course work. Padlet will be embedded in the Student Handbook and Canvas for easy availability. We just need a link. You can send the URL to your ePorfolio to your IST instructor or to the program director ( so we can add it to the Showcase platform.

For more information about what should be or can be included in your ePortfolio you can review the ePortfolio section of the Student Handbook.   

The Spring 2023 IST Student ePortfolio Showcase will take place April 25 through 28. The web site though which we can upload, share, and comment on ePortfolios can be found at 

What should you do?