IST 585 Introduction to Graduate Integrative Studies


Introduction to Graduate Integrative Studies introduces students to graduate level work in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary areas of study that are integrative by nature.

In this course students think deeply and theoretically about knowledge--its acquisition, distribution, organization, and evaluation; identify and articulate the problem and research agenda that will inform the student’s work in the MAIS graduate program; prepare for graduate level interdisciplinary research and scholarship; and begin the graduate portfolio for MAIS.

Success Profile

Successful students are prepared to integrate different disciplinary or professional insights and perspectives at the graduate level with continued focus on a specific problem or issue.

Learning Objectives

Integrative Thinking

Critical Thinking


Information Literacy

Sample Assignments

All students will create a portfolio of their work. The portfolio will include at least the following.

This is the opening page to the portfolio. Introduce the reader briefly to yourself and your work. A short paragraph is all that is needed since you are also including pages that go into more detail.

Include your resume. Highlight your experiences at NKU. Help potential employers understand the nature and value of a degree in Integrative Studies. Mention the projects and experiences you are most proud of.

Include a brief autobiographical essay describing your intellectual journey to the MAIS program.

The development of and research for an interdisciplinary thesis or hypothesis centered on the disciplines on which you are focused in the project for this course.

Submit an annotated bibliography of at least six entries, three of which you will annotate.

Your  research project will demonstrate that you can integrate perspectives, methods and insights from different disciplines. Includes properly formatted bibliography.

Revised 11.22.2020