Constitution and By-Laws

NeAFCS Constitution and By-Laws

(Adopted, January, 1978)

(Revised, November, 1989)

(Revised, January, 1992)

(Revised, October, 1992)

(Revised, November, 1995)

(Revised, October, 2008)

Article I


Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences – Nebraska Affiliate, hereinafter known as the Association, and a part of the Nebraska Cooperative Extension Association (NCEA).

Article II


Section 1. The objectives of the Association shall be to:

A. Stimulate interest in and promote opportunities for professional improvement.

B. Assist in establishing and maintaining high standards of Extension work.

C. Assist the members to fulfill the intent and purpose of University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension in providing educational programs.

D. Encourage mutual helpfulness and fellowship among Extension workers.

E. Foster Extension work as a professional career.

F. Provide an inspirational climate for all its members.

G. Promote the welfare of all its members.

H. The Association is committed to the active involvement of all of its members regardless of race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, handicap or veteran status.

Article III


Section 1. An Extension employee working in any capacity with family and consumer sciences and/or related programming, who has a degree in family and consumer sciences and/or related field, upon payment of annual dues to NCEA and the Association is eligible to be a member of the Association and NCEA.

An individual who has a degree in a related field but not in family and consumer sciences shall have their credentials reviewed for approval by the Association and NEAFCS.

Section 2. Upon payment of annual NCEA and Association dues an Extension employee working in any capacity with family and consumer sciences programming who has a degree in family and consumer sciences or in a related field with credential approval from NEAFCS and the Association shall become a member of the Association and the National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (NEAFCS).

Section 3. Any former Extension employee who has been a member of the Association for at least 5 years will be granted life membership upon payment of a one-time fee to the NEAFCS.

Life member shall be granted the following rights and privileges for the Association:

1. They may receive awards, fellowships, and grants.

2. They may serve on committees.

3. They shall receive all publications upon payment of an annual subscription fee.

4. They shall receive the conference registration brochure at no charge.

5. They may serve as voting delegates, when the Association lacks sufficient delegates to the national meeting.

6. They shall not be eligible for office.

Article IV.


Section 1. Officers of the Association shall be a President, a President-Elect, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. These officers shall perform the duties prescribed by the constitution and bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the organization.

Section 2. With the exception of Life Members, any Association member is eligible to be a candidate for any office.

Section 3. The officers shall begin their term of office at the close of the annual meeting at which they are elected.

• Term of office for President shall be one year.

• Term of office for President-Elect shall be one year after which he/she shall become President for the ensuing year or until their successor has been elected.

• Term of office for Vice-President shall be one year.

• Term of office for Secretary shall be two years with term ending in odd numbered years or until their successor has been elected.

• Term of office for Treasurer shall be two years with term ending in even numbered years or until their successor has been elected.

Section 4. The election of officers shall be by the membership at the business meeting of the Association at the annual NCEA meeting. A Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of candidates of each office and conduct absentee balloting one week prior to the annual meeting.

Section 5. No officer shall be eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office. An officer who has served more than half a term is considered to have served a full term in that office.

Article V.


Section 1. The annual meeting of the Association shall be held at the annual meeting of the NCEA. The annual meeting shall be for the purpose of electing officers, receiving reports of officers and committees, and for any other business that may arise.

Section 2. Special meetings may be called by the President.

Section 3. A simple majority of the Association membership shall be a quorum at any regular or special meeting.

Section 4. A quorum shall be present to conduct official business at any regular or special meeting.

Section 5. Delegates to the national meeting of NEAFCS will be selected in the following order: President, President-Elect, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, State Chairman of the Professional Development Committee, Membership Resources Committee, and Public Affairs Committee.

Article VI.

The Executive Board

Section 1. The officers of the Association shall constitute the Executive Board.



Section 1. The Executive Board shall appoint the following standing committees for the Association.


Awards and Recognition

Membership Resources

Professional Development

Public Affairs


Audit and Budget



Section 2. Ad hoc committees may be formed at the discretion of the President.


Parliamentary Authority

Section 1. The organization shall be guided by Roberts Rules of Order, Revised.

Article IX.


Section 1. The constitution of the Association may be changed or amended at the annual meeting by a two-thirds vote of those members present. The membership shall be notified of proposed changes at least two weeks prior to the annual meeting.

Section 2. Such amendment shall go into effect as soon as adopted.

Section 3. By-laws may be amended, revised, or repealed by a majority vote of members at an annual meeting, as long as they do not conflict with the constitution.


(Revised October 1992)

(Revised November, 1996)

(Revised, November, 2000)

(Revised, October 2008)

Section 1. Duties of Officers

A. President

Shall be a member of the NCEA Board of Directors. Shall serve as spokesperson for the Association members Shall preside over all sectional meetings. Shall coordinate delegates to the national meeting of the association as specified in the constitution.

Shall attend the NEAFCS Regional Leadership Workshop. Shall assume all responsibilities that are naturally a part of the office of President. Shall work with President Elect and Vice-President on selection of committee assignments. Shall coordinate all committees. Shall keep Vice-President informed of all workings of committees Shall work with Audit and Budget Committees on preparation of Association budget.

B. President-Elect

Shall attend the NEAFCS Regional Leadership Workshop. Shall attend the Public Issues Leadership development (PILD) Workshop. Shall work with President and Vice-President on selection of committee assignments. Shall be responsible for keeping an updated file of Association members’ personnel forms indicating interest in holding a national office or committee assignment. The Executive Board will select nominees for national office and committees.

C. Vice-president

Shall perform all the duties of the office of the President in the absence, disability, or at the request of the President. Shall be coordinator of all recognition and awards. Shall work with the President and President-Elect on selection of committee assignments.

D. Secretary

Shall serve as recording secretary at all meetings. Shall attend to al official correspondence. Shall keep a file of important communications. Shall keep a permanent list of all past award recipients.

E. Treasurer

Shall keep account of all funds handled by the Association Shall receive and disburse funds Shall work with the Audit and Budget Committee on preparation of the budget. Shall have books closed and audited prior to annual meeting. Shall update mailing lists of current membership and life members; and send these lists to the President and Membership Resources Chair. Shall keep a permanent list of years of membership in the Association.

F. Past-President

Shall have served the preceding year as president of the Association. Shall serve on the NCEA nominating committee.

Shall be a member of the Dean’s Extension Advisory Committee.

Section 2. Vacancy in Office

A. A vacancy in the office of the President shall be filled by the Vice-President.

B. In the event of a vacancy in the office of President-Elect, the Executive Board shall appoint the vice-President as acting President-Elect for the unexpired term. The acting President-Elect shall assume the duties and powers of the office of President-Elect and shall automatically succeed to the office of President for the following term.

C. In the event of vacancies in the office of both President and President-Elect, the Vice-President shall succeed to the office of President for the unexpired term.

D. Any vacancy created in any other office shall be filled by the Executive Board.

Section 3. Dues

The Association dues shall be recommended by the Executive Board. The members shall vote on recommended dues at a regular or special meeting of the Association.

Section 4. Committees

It is recommended that each committee appoint a chair-elect, who becomes the chair the following year.

All committee chairs shall begin their term of office at the close of the annual meeting at which they are appointed.

It is recommended that the committee chair serve as liaison between the sectional committee and its NCEA counterpart when applicable.

A. Awards and Recognition Committee shall:

1. Publicize and encourage award applications and select winners.

2. Coordinate and submit applications for NEAFCS national competition.

3. Appropriately recognize award winners at the annual meeting.

4. Be responsible for news articles and news releases for all awards in recipient’s local newspapers and well as letters to inform local boards and committees.

B. Member Resources Committee shall:

1. Contact all prospective members and encourage them to join the Association. Committee will work with human resources officer to obtain list of potential members.

2. Recognize new members at annual meeting with NEAFCS parchment creed.

C. Professional Development Committee shall:

1. Plan and conduct professional development activities for the members.

2. Encourage attendance at the national meeting and NCEA meeting.

3. Obtain research project information from members to submit to national organizations.

4. Keep decision makers aware of activities and program accomplishments of Association members.

D. Public Affairs Committee shall:

1. Inform President-Elect of Public Issues Leadership Development Conference. Select a representative if the President-Elect is unable to attend. Coordinate registration with the Dean’s Office.

2. Keep abreast of national policy changes and monitor legislative issues.

3. Interpret the constitution and bylaws and recommend necessary changes.

E. Audit and Budget Committee shall:

1. Prepare a budget after soliciting information from officers and committee chairs for financial needs.

2. Review the Treasurer’s books.

F. Courtesy Committee shall:

1. Be composed of at least one Association member from each district.

2. Extend courtesies to members with appropriate cards.

3. Be responsible for an appropriate gift for members who have served in the Association ten or more years.

4. Honor the outgoing president with an appropriate gift.

G. Historian shall:

1. Keep the records and update the scrapbook of the Association.

H. Nominating Committee shall:

1. Consist of one Association member for each of the four (4) Extension Districts.

2. Prepare a slate of candidates to be placed on the ballot naming at least two candidates for each office. Committee should (a) consider qualifications of candidates, (b) seek representation from each district and contact candidates before placing their names on the ballot.

3. Conduct the election at the annual business meeting.

4. Be responsible for installation of officers. This shall be conducted annually at the Association meeting following the election of officers.

I. Technology Committee shall:

1. Maintain Association listserv

2. Maintain Association Web page

NEAFCS Constitution and Bylaws Document