
2016 Nominating Committee Report

Allan Vyhnalek, Past President

The nominating committee met once by phone conference call, then finished all business by e-mail. Thanks to those that agreed to be candidates for office in NCEA. Also, thanks to those that were asked and considered the opportunity carefully. If you are called, please do consider helping your Professional Association by accepting the invitation to run for elected office.

The candidates were asked to answer two questions:

  1. What is your professional background?
  2. What I would like to contribute to the future of NCEA?

The members nominated for office in 2016 are:

  • Treasurer – Jessica Jones
  • Vice President – Gary Loesing and Teshome Regassa
  • President-Elect – Pat Jones

Jessica Jones – Candidate for Treasurer

I have been employed as an Extension Educator for the past eleven years in Johnson County (Tecumseh). I began this position with a programming assignment in agriculture and natural resources and three years ago changed my focus to community vitality. I am a member of both the ag and community development sections of NCEA. My involvement in NCEA has included serving as a Conference Committee Co-chair, a member of the LARC Committee, Secretary of the Nebraska section of NACAA, and At-Large representative on the executive board of the Nebraska section of NACDEP. I am currently completing the rest of Monte Vandeveer’s term as Treasurer. I would like to see NCEA flourish and evolve to best meet the needs of Extension personnel. I feel that I have the skills to help the organization achieve this goal.

Gary Lesoing – Candidate for Vice President

Professional Background

The majority of my career has been working for the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in Research and Extension. Following graduation with an MS in Animal Science, I worked almost 2 years as a Research Technician in range and forage at the North Platte Research and Extension Center. After a short stint as a Livestock Production Specialist with Farmland Industries, I worked as an administrative assistant/research technician at the Mead Field Lab (ARDC) for 12 years. While working at the ARDC I was able to complete my requirements for a Ph.D. in Agronomy, with a focus on Alternative Cropping Systems. I then served as the Integrated Farm Coordinator at the ARDC for six years, conducting research in livestock/crop production systems. For the past 18 years, I have worked in Extension, the first six years as a Regional Agronomy Specialist in West Central Missouri for the University of Missouri-Columbia. The past twelve years I have served as an Extension Educator in Nemaha County with a focus on cropping systems. I have also served as the Nebraska State SARE (Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education) Coordinator for the past nine years.

What I would like to contribute to the future of NCEA

I would like to help bring quality professional development opportunities to the members of NCEA at the annual fall conference, and potentially other times during the year, through tours or workshops that benefit all members of NCEA. I also would support events that are held so members can network and just have fun. I would support NCEA being a strong advocate for Extension in Nebraska.

Tesshome Regassa – candidate for Vice President

Dr. Regassa is a graduate of UNL Department of Agronomy and Horticulture in Crop Production and Physiology. He has undergraduate and MSc degrees respectively from Addis Ababa University and Haramaya University; institutions located in Ethiopia. Dr. Regassa worked as water quality specialist in the Department of Biological Systems Engineering of UNL before taking an Assistant Extension Educator and State Variety Testing Program coordinator position. The position was later changed to an assistant research professor position that included additional research responsibility. Regassa’s research is focused on integrated approach to increase nitrogen and water use efficiency. In a farming systems retrospect, identifying ways to maximize complementarities within the crop and livestock enterprise, and identify context-specific technological options that synergize resource use efficiency. Before joining UNL graduate program, Dr Regassa worked for the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research as senior researcher, division head, and national coordinator of the dryland farming research program. His contribution at the institute included leading a needed change in institutional research-outreach approach from commodity-based research-outreach to a holistic and multi-disciplinary approach with a farming systems research perspective. Efforts contributed to improved sustainability of a mixed crop and livestock production system in an environment where water stress (limited rainfall) is the most limiting.

If I am elected, I will like to make efforts to increase membership and facilitate that every extension practitioners is engaged with NCEA.

Pat Jones – candidate for President-Elect

What is your professional Background

As a professional, there is personal value of being an active member of what one signs up to be part of. With this in mind, believing in my personal value system, I have been an active member in a variety of professional capacities over many years. The ones that come foremost with NCEA in mind, are being on Student Senate when pursuing my master’s as a representative of the department of Family and Consumer to the College Senate. Also as a school administration/counselor, which basically involved monitoring/mentoring as a floating principal and counselor to maintain regulations and safety of students, staff, and employees. Most recently as President (2015) and Past-President (2016-2017) of the Nebraska Affiliate of NEAFCS (National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences) which involves the groundbreaking plans for the 2017 National NEAFCS in Omaha, along with keeping members encouraged to enhance communication skills. This position has led to being on the Deans Advisory committee, taking concerns directly to the Dean. Along with this, I am also a current Board Member of NCCCP (North Central Community Care Partnership) within the North Central Health District Department, representing concerns for the Keya Paha county area.

What would you like to contribute to the future of NCEA

My contributions to the members of NCEA’s future would be to voice concerns of educators to the people in the know, along with encouraging professional growth to enhance and build on their current skills regarding technology, personal growth and enhancing networking contacts. Enhancing networking contacts would also involve supporting new members in helping them with learning the networking system. A few years ago we relooked at our mission statement, keeping current with our mission statement is important along with encouraging each section to review their mission statement. These would be the contribution I would bring to NCEA.

Goals for 2010

    1. Develop a slate of candidates to be presented and voted on at the 2010 NCEA Annual Meeting
    2. The 2010 slate will include officer nominees for President-Elect (From 4-H Section), Vice President and Treasurer.

Budget: NONE