
2016 Diversity committee report

NCEA Committee Planning Form

Committee Name: Diversity_________________________ Planning Year: __2016_____

Members serving on committee: (Indicate Chair, Chair-Elect, and Secretary)


1) List Chair, Chair-Elect, and Secretary. Designate in officer column above.

2) Define and list objectives for the coming year or years, resources required, and cost of each. (Be sure to get suggestions from last year’s committee chair.) List yearly goals of committee on the following page.

3) Appoint sub-committees if necessary to accomplish goals of the committee.

4) Following meeting, please return one copy to the President-Elect of NCEA. Return to NCEA President-Elect no later than December 2.

Goals for 2016__

· Work in conjunction with Access and Opportunity group with regard to professional development.

· Continued goal of a survey to determine audiences served by Nebraska Extension and those professionals within Nebraska Extension who are involved with the programming to diverse audiences.

· Goal to have a speaker at Eureka or Fall conference to continue conversation about diversity and the importance of programming to all Nebraskan’s.

· Social Media Platform to promote our group and our mission.

Action Plan

· Conference call after January 1 to discuss deadlines.

· Appoint members to work on survey and social media aspects of our goals.

Total Proposed Budget Requirements of Committee

Currently, no requirement of budget. May see this as a future need as we examine the survey and social media platform for receiving and sending information with regard to the diversity committee.

Diversity Committee - 2011



    1. To increase awareness of diversity in UNL Extension.
    2. To understand the changing demographics of our state and how to increase our outreach to diverse communities.
    3. To create programming regarding diversity for future NCEA Fall Conferences as well as the coordination of diversity education at the local, district, and state levels.
    4. To actively recruit additional members for this committee through personal contacts and initiations.
    5. To increase the numbers of participants into the Extension programs from diverse backgrounds.

Action Plan:

    1. Educational programming regarding diversity for future NCEA Fall Conferences as well as the coordination of diversity education at the local, district, and state levels.

