Technology Committee - 2017
Goals for 2017:
- Update and manage website
- Create how-to/FAQ videos on updating website
- Work with historian to digitize records
- Have an active link on website to pay NCEA dues anytime throughout the year
- Work with the Vice-president on keeping the website up-to-date
Action Plan
- Meet in December via Zoom to formalize 2017 plans
- Scan the historian scrapbooks - how to scan (in-house or send off to a company)
Technology Committee - 2016
Goals for 2016:
1) Support the uploading of information from NCEA Historian to the NCEA website.
2) Continue to collect NCEA section lists of DSA winners to upload to the NCEA website.
3) Professional development – Group will submit ideas to Karly Black for short, pointed technology training videos to be shared through Next Generation Extension.
Action Plan
1) Support the uploading of information from NCEA Historian to the NCEA website.
a. Deb and Karly will continue to take the NCEA historic scrapbooks and post their contents to the NCEA website.
2) Continue to collect NCEA section lists of DSA winners to upload to the NCEA website.
a. Carly Black will work on DSA section winners for 4-H
b. Aaron and Elizabeth will work on getting DSA section winner plaques for Ag Section.
c. Jenny Nixon will work on getting DSA winner list for FCS.
3) Professional development – Group will submit ideas to Karly Black for short, pointed (15 minutes or less) technology training videos to be shared through Next Generation Extension.
a. Topics considered were: Outlook, Skype for Business, OneNote, Google Docs and Drive.
b. Suggestion was to work jointly with Next Generation Extension focusing on videos that can be hosted on YouTube.
c. Karly will set up a Google Doc for each member to give their technology topic suggestions and time frame for technology presentations.
d. Karly will work to coordinate the creation of these tech topics.
4) New members will be recruited from new NCEA members with an invite from Karly.
Technology Committee - 2015
1. Support the uploading of information from NCEA Historian to the NCEA website.
2. Develop a list of DSA winners to upload to the NCEA website.
3. Professional development – Group will aim to provide a hands on technology training session before Fall Conference in 2015.
1. NCEA History
a. Many historic pictures were uploaded to the NCEA website. The process is still ongoing. They are all part of the rolling video at the bottom of the front page of the NCEA website.
b. Two years of NCEA missing minutes were uploaded to the NCEA website.
2. DSA winners for different sections have been located and will be uploaded to the NCEA website.
3. Professional Development training was not held because so much technology was already being incorporated into the 2015 Fall Conference.
Technology Committee - 2014
Goals for 2014:
- Encourage all committees to designate someone to maintain the appropriate section on the NCEA web site. Jenny Nixon, Dennis Kahl or Deb Weitzenkamp are available to assist sections with web updates.
- Offer “Tech Talk” as a 2014 conference workshop.
Action Plan:
- Meet via Google Hangouts in late May to discuss topics for “Tech Talk”.
- Extend Tech Training offer to Conference Committee - Deb W.
- Follow through with Tech webinars.
Budget Needs:
- $0.00
Technology Committee - 2013
Goals for 2013:
- Encourage all committees to designate someone to maintain the appropriate section on the NCEA web site.
- Encourage all members to share the NACEB webs site with their Extension Board members.
- Offer Technology Training as a 2013 pre-conference or regular conference offering.
- Using MailChimp or Constant Contact tools for emailing messages/newsletters to listserv
- Texting to groups and scheduling text/email messages
- Content curation and building authority
- 3 T's continuation. Dennis Kahl and Sheryl Burbach will continue with more 3 T's short, tech webinars.
- Jenny Nixon will include a short tech tip in regularly scheduled Access 4-H webinars to county staff.
Action Plan:
- Meet via Skype on January 7, 2013, 9:30 a.m CT/8:30 am MT
- Extend Tech Training offer to 2013 Annual Mtg Conference Committee - Deb W.
- Follow through with Tech webinars.
Budget Needs:
- $0.00
Technology Committee - 2012
Committee Chair - Jenny Nixon
Committee Co-Chair - Deb Weitzenkamp
Goals for 2012:
- Migrate NCEA website to free site
- Develop Facebook presence
- Share tech tips via Atomic Learning
- Train new members on how to manage documents on the website during new member orientation
Action Plan:
- January Skype meeting to discuss web page management
- Check with Presidents and Secretaries of sections to see if documents are missing
- Urge sections and committees to designate someone to manage and keep up the respective pages
- Check on archiving on NU Connect
Budget Needs:
- $500 to fund final quarter of liferay website fees