Constitution and Bylaws



Copy of the NCEA Constitution and Bylaws



Revised and Adopted October 19, 1976

Amended Oct. 19, 1976

Amended Jan. 27, 1978

Amended Nov. 21, 1980

Amended Nov. 18, 1981

Amended Nov. 19, 1982

Amended Nov. 16, 1983

Amended Nov. 16, 1984

Amended Nov. 22, 1985

Amended Nov. 17, 1989

Amended Nov. 16, 1990

Amended Nov. 18, 1993

Amended Nov. 16, 1995

Amended Nov. 19, 1996

Amended Nov. 18, 1999

Amended Nov. 13, 2002

Amended Nov. 19, 2003

Amended Oct. 21, 2008

Amended Oct. 13, 2009

Amended Oct. 12, 2010

Amended Oct. 16, 2012

Amended Nov. 12, 2015



Section 1.

This association shall be known as the Nebraska Cooperative Extension Association hereinafter referred to as NCEA or the Association.

Section 2.

The Goals of NCEA shall be to:

A. Professional Development: Foster the Extension Professional’s career by providing and encouraging participation in professional development opportunities.

B. Networking: Extension Professionals continue to have outstanding support from co-workers through a state-wide network.

C. Advocacy: Maintain a vigilant watch over the members’ professional interests through active support of faculty senate and appropriate advisory groups.

D. Awards and Recognition: Recognize outstanding work with appropriate awards and scholarships.



Section 1.

Active membership, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin or handicap, shall include:

Any Extension Educator receiving a salary from Cooperative Extension.

Any Extension Specialist receiving a salary from Cooperative Extension. This is to include all program and subject matter specialists.

Any Extension Managerial-Professional Staff Person in a support role (Extension Assistant, Extension Technologist, Program Assistant, 4-H Aide, or the equivalent) with a minimum of a baccalaureate degree or hired prior to November 17, 1989 receiving a salary from Cooperative Extension.

Any member of Nebraska Cooperative Extension who serves in an administrative position is excluded from active membership. However, an administrator may be a member of a section, if he/she meets section membership requirements.

Said active membership shall carry with it the privilege of holding office in the Association and of voting on all matters of business at all meetings of the Association.

The term of membership begins the first day of the annual meeting and ends the day prior to the following year's annual meeting.

Section 2.

At the time of retirement from Cooperative Extension, an individual will be considered an honorary member eligible for lifetime membership of NCEA if he or she was a member of NCEA, NACAA (National Association of County Agricultural Agents), NEAFCS (National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences), NAE4-HA (National Association of Extension 4-H Agents), ANREP (Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals), NACDEP (National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals), and/or NCEA Specialist Section at the time of retirement; or in case of administrative personnel, had been a member of one of these associations prior to occupying the administrative position.

Honorary membership to this association shall carry with it the opportunity to become a lifetime member; an individual must pay a one-time conference and communication fee of $20.00. Benefits of lifetime membership to this association shall include: receiving the NCEA newsletters, access to NCEA Conference registration information and other NCEA mailings, waiver of annual conference registration fees, the right to attend all NCEA meetings, and take part in all discussions without the right to vote.

Section 3.

The membership committee shall resolve eligibility questions.

Section 4.

NCEA will grant a courtesy membership to new Extension workers by waiving the NCEA membership fee from the time the person is hired until the day prior to the annual meeting following the date of employment. Courtesy membership in NCEA does not imply or grant courtesy membership privileges in the sections of NCEA or their respective national associations.



Section 1.

There shall be an annual non-refundable association membership fee assessed against each active member; membership fees for the following year become due and payable at the time of the annual meeting.

Section 2.

NACAA (National Association of County Agricultural Agents), NEAFCS (National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences), NAE4-HA (National Association of Extension 4-H Agents), ANREP (Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals), NACDEP (National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals), and Specialist Sections may impose additional dues upon their sectional membership in an amount sufficient to cover:

A. The financial obligations to their respective sections;

B. Membership in their related national extension organizations; and

C. Expenses related to representation at meetings of national extension organizations. Each section shall govern expenditures peculiar to that section by means of annually prepared budgets.

Section 3.

The NCEA treasurer will receive all dues and assessments of sections. Disbursements will be made to respective sectional treasurers for amount of collections.

Section 4.

The Association will not be liable for any financial difficulties experienced by the individual sections.

Section 5.

Any NCEA member who is otherwise eligible may belong to more than one section by paying dues appropriate to each section.

Section 6.

Membership in one or more sections of NCEA will require payment of assessed NCEA dues plus payment of those sectional dues for which membership is sought.

Administrative position will not have to pay NCEA dues if he/she is a member of one or more sections.

Section 7.

Pursuant to Article IV, Section 2, membership count will be made on the basis of the paid membership on March 1 and this count will be used to determine the number of board members from each Extension District and the State Specialists staff. Membership count will include only those paid in full and will not include courtesy membership.



Section 1.

The officers of NCEA shall include the president, president-elect, vice president, secretary, and treasurer. These officers together with sectional chairpersons and the immediate past president shall serve as an executive committee.

Section 2.

Epsilon Sigma Phi will designate an ex-officio member to represent that group on the NCEA Board of Directors. This representative, who must be a current member of both NCEA and Epsilon Sigma Phi, will have non-voting status.

Section 3.

The Board of Directors shall consist of the Executive Committee plus one (1) educator/managerial-professional NCEA member for each 30, or fraction thereof, members of each Extension District plus one (1) specialist NCEA member for each 30, or fraction thereof, extension specialists, plus one ex-officio representative of Epsilon Sigma Phi.

Section 4.

District Representatives will: Attend NCEA Board and Special Meetings; Conduct at least one networking event in their representative district every year (Fall/Spring preferred); Assist with mentoring work of the Membership Committee; and Host NCEA educational tours during the appropriate rotation times



Section 1.

The nominating committee shall develop a list of nominees for the offices of 1) president-elect, 2) vice president, 3) secretary, and 4) treasurer. Two persons shall be nominated for each office. Nominations shall be presented at the annual business meeting. Additional nominations may be made from the floor. Nominations for officers may include elected board representation. Vacancies are to be filled by alternates elected at district and state levels. Officers of NCEA shall be elected by a majority of votes cast for a respective office at the annual meeting.

Section 2.

The president-elect shall hold office for one (1) year beginning at the conclusion of the annual meeting and continuing through the next annual meeting and then shall succeed to the office of president. As president, he or she shall take office immediately after the annual meeting and shall continue in this capacity through the next annual meeting. The vice president shall hold office for one (1) year beginning at the conclusion of the annual meeting.

The secretary and treasurer shall hold office for two (2) years. The secretary shall be elected in even numbered years and the treasurer in odd numbered years.

Section 3.

The election of extension educator and specialist staff for Board representation shall precede the general election. The terms of office of the extension educator and specialist representatives to the Board of Directors shall be two (2) years with one-half (1/2) of all representatives being elected each year.

Section 4.

Section chairpersons shall be elected by their respective sections for a term of one (1) year. Elected vice-chairpersons will perform the vested duties including attendance of NCEA Board of Director meetings, in the absence of the elected chairperson. The secretary of each section shall serve as second alternate to the elected chairperson.

Section 5.

The president shall be empowered to make appointments to fill vacancies in unexpired terms of officers subject to the approval of the executive committee.



Section 1.

There shall be a regular meeting of the Association each year.

Section 2.

The Executive Committee shall be given authority to conduct the business for the Association.

Section 3.

The Board of Directors shall meet at least two (2) times per year. Special meetings may be called by the President at his or her discretion, or when a majority of Board members request such a meeting.

Section 4.

Each section may hold separate business meetings on call of the chairperson. Any action taken, other than election, at such meetings that would affect the Association shall be presented to the Association as a recommendation or by resolution.



Section 1. President

A. To preside over all regular and special NCEA meetings.

B. To appoint committees with advice of the executive committee and approval of the Board.

C. To be official representative of the Association or duly authorize a representative.

D. To attend to other duties naturally developing upon the office of president.

Section 2. President-Elect

A. To assist with all duties as assigned by the president, and shall serve in such capacity as the president may deem necessary throughout the year in order that the president-elect may become thoroughly familiar with the entire Association program and activity.

B. To be chairperson of Committee on Committees.

Section 3. Vice President

A. To preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Board of Directors in the absence of the president and shall perform the other duties as the president may direct.

B. To be editor of NCEA newsletter.

C. In case of a vacancy of the office of President, the Vice President shall assume the duties of the President for the rest of the term as a result of the President's inability to serve because of resignation or absence.

Section 4. Secretary

A. To keep accurate minutes and reports of all meetings of the Association.

B. To attend to all official correspondence.

C. To receive and keep properly filed all important documents.

Section 5. Treasurer

A. To receive and disburse money and render an accounting of all funds handled, including sectional funds transferred.

B. To have books closed and audited prior to annual meeting.

C. To deposit and/or invest funds of the Association as authorized by the Executive Committee and/or Board of Directors.

Section 6. Section Chairperson

A. To serve on Executive Committee and Board of Directors.

B. To serve as spokesperson for (his) (her) respective group.

C. To preside at sectional meetings.



Section 1.

Delegates to annual meetings of National Agents Association or Professional Society meetings shall be determined by respective sections.



Section 1.

The organization shall be guided by Roberts Rules of Order, Revised.

Section 2.

The NCEA President shall appoint a Parliamentarian (pro tem) for each meeting to assist and advise the president in rules of procedure, conduct, and decorum at meetings



Section 1.

This Constitution may be amended, revised, or repealed by a two-thirds vote of the members of the Association present at the annual meeting, provided a notice of intended changes is sent to each member at least one month prior to such meeting.

Section 2.

Such amendments shall go into effect as soon as adopted.

Section 3.

By-laws may be amended, revised, or repealed by a majority vote of members at an annual meeting, as long as they do not conflict with the constitution.



Section 1.

Quorum will be a majority of members in good standing at any meeting provided each section is represented.


Section 1.

The annual NCEA dues shall be no more than $15.00 per year.

Section 2.

Special assessments to NCEA may be voted upon at any regular meeting and requires a two-thirds (2/3) majority of those present.

Section 3.

The time and place of the annual meeting shall be determined by the Board of Directors at least six months in advance of the meeting.

Section 4.

Membership in NCEA will require payment of assessed NCEA dues and dues of one or more sections.

Section 5.

The following committees shall annually provide a set of goals for the committee to the NCEA Board of Directors.

NCEA Advocacy Committee

Audit and Budget


Member Services Committee


Professional Improvement Committee

Recognition and Awards


Section 6.

The following standing committees shall be appointed annually.

A. Nominating Committee – membership shall consist of the immediate past president of NCEA and the immediate past chairperson of each section.

B. Committee on Committees – shall consist of the committee chairs of NCEA and be chaired by the President-elect.

C. Faculty Senate – membership shall consist of those NCEA members who are currently serving on the UNL Faculty Senate.

Section 7.

Committee members shall be members of NCEA and shall volunteer to serve on a committee for a three-year term.

A. Committee members shall elect a chair, chair-elect, and secretary annually from its membership. The chair shall meet with the full NCEA Board of Directors and report progress toward its committee’s goals. The secretary shall keep a written account of all committee meetings.

B. The president may appoint additional special committees on a temporary basis until the membership meets at the next Annual Meeting to approve a change in the by-laws.

C. Committees may be removed by a vote of the membership during an annual meeting.

Section 8. Nominations for the office of President Elect will rotate between sections

Beginning in 2014 with an order of: All Sections, Ag Section, 4-H Section, Family & Consumer Science Section, Specialist Section, then repeating with All Sections etc.

Section 9: Each NCEA District Representative will host educational tours during the appropriate Annual NCEA Conference rotation as follows: Southeast 2016, Northeast 2017, Panhandle 2018, and West Central 2019.