Strategic Plan

#1: Growing the ANREP leadership.

    • Goal: Increase the internal leadership capacity of ANREP.
      • Specific actions to implement in the next few years:
          • State champions will conduct meeting of membership and interested individuals to identify key NR (Natural resource) issues and leadership for those issues.
          • State champions will participate as members of state JCEP.
          • Development of a mentoring system for leadership positions, committees and new members. (State champions could be the link for the latter; provide initial training)
          • Provide leadership/management training to Executive Board and Committee/Group leaders.
          • Provide leadership training assistance for ANREP members.
          • Encourage multiple leadership roles; i.e. short term working/interest groups, ad hoc committees, etc.
          • Asset mapping membership skills to bring people into leadership niches.
          • Develop a system of rotational leadership and provide written institutional memory of conference planning, state champions, committees, leadership job descriptions, important due dates, etc.
          • Encourage development of state chapters in every state.
      • Results and Milestones:
          • Mentoring system established.
          • State Champions hold membership meetings in home state.
          • Develop baseline and track expanded leadership.
          • Provide leadership development.

#2: ANREP will grow its membership without losing its identity.

    • Goal 1: Clarify who we in ANREP are and what we value as a professional organization.
        • Specific actions to implement in the next few years:
            • Revisit Article II of the by-laws to ensure they follow the SMART Goal model.
        • Results and Milestones:
            • Clear understanding of ANREP's purpose and values; with endorsement of full membership.
        • Resources needed:
            • Existing materials used (brochures, by-laws).
        • Review and monitoring process:
            • Board and membership will have opportunities to view and react to each draft.
    • Goal 2: Spread the word to other organizations that share our vision and values.
        • Specific actions to implement in the next few years:
            • Develop marketing strategies using ANREP values as the core.
            • Initiate dialogue with CDA and CDS to identify shared values.
            • Development of promotional video describing ANREP.
        • Results and Milestones:
            • Increased membership by an as yet undetermined percentage.
            • Increased "buy-in" by membership.
            • Improved ability by members to address critical issues.

#3: ANREP will respond to emerging disciplinary issues.

    • Goal: ANREP develops mechanisms by which to identify, clarify, and prioritize natural resource issues and disseminate this information in an efficient and effective manner.
        • Concerns: Issues that are emerging and issues that are unexpected (e.g. September 11): need to prepare for both events.
        • Specific actions to implement in the next few years:
            • Develop an emerging issues on-line information center accessible through ANREP web site. Information center will provide up-to-date information on natural resource issues, policy, and research, using materials submitted by the membership. Identify emerging NR issues.
            • Prioritize issues recognizing these will change.
            • Separate issues by state, region, national.
            • Determine information gaps; begin filling gaps.
            • Information will be updated weekly, and archived for continued access.
        • Responsibility and roles:
            • Development of a Critical Issues Information ad hoc committee, responsible for gathering information and identification of information gaps. (Committee to be formed at ANREP National Conference June 2002?)
            • Volunteer from the membership (ad hoc committee chair?) will maintain the web site for a determined time period (one year or 6 months).
        • Review and monitoring process:
            • Monitoring will be on going and reported by Critical issues Information committee to the Executive Board.
            • Effectiveness and use of web site will be reviewed during ANREP annual strategic planning meeting.

# 4: ANREP will engage and involve its membership.

    • Goal: ANREP membership will be actively involved in the activities of the association that is contributory to the mission and goals.
        • All committees fully staffed, functioning and communicating with the general membership.
        • Executive committee and committee chairs.
        • 95% of members will renew their membership each year. Membership chair & executive director.
        • 20% will be fulfilling a committee assignment. Committee chairs.
        • All new or delinquent members will be contacted directly by a knowledgeable ANREP member to engage them in committee or leadership opportunities. State champions and regional representatives, President in letter to new members.
        • Program to educate all members about opportunities and foundations of ANREP. (Send talking points, explanation of committee responsibilities to all members.) Membership chair.
        • Develop a mentorship program for all new members and update database to reflect disciplines of all members. 50% of new members in a year will have an interaction with an existing member. Create Mentorship Committee, starting with a chair.
        • 75% of membership will attend biannual conference. Executive director.
        • Track what number of conference attendees become members within 3 months after the conference. Executive director

#5: Satisfying ANREP membership goals while maintaining its diversity.

    • Goal 1: Synthesize what the key membership goals are for ANREP, and from this determine strategies to satisfy member goals.
        • Specific actions to implement in the next few years:
            • Utilize membership assets and desires to assist with the organization to further these goals (encourage members to act on their desired goals)
            • Develop a reassessment process of membership goals that could be implemented every 3-5 years
    • Goal 2: Encourage members to venture inside and outside strong disciplinary boundaries
        • Specific actions to implement in the next few years:
            • Provide networking opportunities at national and regional conferences, including both formal and informal arrangements.
            • Provide professional development opportunities for the membership; workshops, multidiscipline led field trips, pre-conference sessions, etc., with offerings listed on web site.
            • Encourage sharing of program ideas between the States; provide a venue where we can learn from each other, such as interactive web sites, archived newsletter articles, ANREP and NREM flagship programs that lead to interaction. Perhaps a subject based approach.
            • Address funding burden of membership travel to professional meetings such as JCEP, PILD, etc.
            • Solidify the benefits of membership (over non-membership): i.e. professional networking, political status of ANREP, opportunity to present work at a professional meeting, etc.
            • Celebrate accomplishments on a regular basis.
            • Allow for discipline association meetings during conference.

#6: Increasing ANREP's influence of NR Extension program budgets and directions at local, state, regional, national, and international levels

    • Goal 1: Identify and enlist support from external stakeholders/clientele to influence Administration.
        • Specific actions to implement in the next few years:
            • Develop impact statements by major subject matter (forest resources, wildlife, environmental education, etc.)
            • Create a committee with responsibilities over this action.
            • Develop a database accessible on the Internet that is searchable and printable, for high impact NR Extension programs
            • Expand relationships with key partners (Forest Service, Fish and Wildlife, National Parks, EPA, etc.).
    • Goal 2: Continue to effectively align with political structures (JCEP, ECOP, Galaxy, etc.) to maintain momentum
        • Specific actions to implement in the next few years:
            • Encourage membership involvement with these organizations; help to support membership attendance at meetings, with possible financial aid (?).
            • Clearly define to membership ANREP's role with regards to these organizations; develop an informational fact sheet detailing how these relationships operate