
Courtesy Committee 2016

Name: Courtesy Year: 2016

Members serving on committee: (Indicate Chair, Chair-Elect, and Secretary)

Ben Beckman

Cally Blake

Karen DeBoer

Jamie Goffena

Tessa Hain

Jennifer Hansen - Chair

Kayla Hinrichs

Julie Kreikemeier

Erin Laborie

Mary Loftis

Jessica Meuleners

Scott (Brian) Reiner

Kristin Prill - Secretary

Jackie Steffen

Amy Topp

Mindi Vyhnalek

Jordann Wenzel

Goals for 2016

1. Committee members to notify the whole courtesy committee when a courtesy notice has been extended (for information and accountability).

2. To have appropriate recognition of NCEA members upon receipt of special honors, marriage, addition of children, illness, retirement, resignation or reduction in force, and death of an immediate family member.

3. A committee member in each District to serve as a local contact.

4. Coordinate efforts with the Membership Chair on congratulating retirees.

5. Welcome newly hired employees to NCEA

6. Extend courtesies in appropriate situations for people outside of extension (ie state senators, Extension administration)

7. Request electronic membership list from NCEA treasurer.

Action Plan

1. Divide up NCEA membership list up amoung committee members.

2. Put the committee member list in “Keeping UP” and/or e-mail to every NCEA member now, and place it again in about 4 or 5 months. This should keep the committee names before the membership and they will know who to contact to extend the proper NCEA Courtesy recognition.

3. Follow guidelines on appropriate recognition:

Cards will be sent to NCEA members for special honors, awards, marriage, addition of children, illness, as a new member, those leaving the system through reduction in force, retirement, resignation or death of a parent.

Memorial of $20 will be sent with a card to NCEA members for the death of a spouse or child.

Flowers or a plant will be sent to the family for the death of an NCEA member.

3. Send electronic membership list to committee members. Include information about getting NCEA cards/stationary and envelopes from committee chair.

Sub-Committees & Chairs


Total Proposed Budget Requirements of Committee

Postage/stationary $ 30.00

Flowers/Memorials $100.00

Total $130.00

Special items and requests will be brought before the NCEA Board or board members for permission to spend. Example – Dean/Director retirement gift; death of parent of Associate Extension Dean.


Courtesy Committee Report 2014

Mindy Vyhnalek- Committee Chair

Chair Elect: Jennifer Hansen


1. Committee members notify the whole courtesy committee when a courtesy has been extended (for information and accountability).

2. To have appropriate recognition of NCEA members upon receipt of special honors, marriage, addition of children, illness, retirement, resignation or reductions in force, and death of immediate family member.

3. Appoint a committee member in each district to serve as a local contact.

4. Coordinate efforts with the Membership Chair on congratulating retirees.

5. Welcome new members to the organization.

6. Extend courtesies in appropriate situations for people outside of NCEA (ex: state senators, Extension Administration)

7. Request electronic membership list from NCEA treasurer.


· The membership list was organized so each committee member had a specific list of names in which he/she was responsible for extending courtesies. This list was sent to each committee member by email.

· A courtesy committee announcement reminder was shared on the All County listserv so the NCEA members and Extension staff would alert a committee member of the courtesy committee when a courtesy needed to be extended.

· A courtesy committee member from each district was appointed district representative for that district. This list was shared as part of Keeping Up in January 2014.

· Courtesies were extended to NCEA members as appropriate.


· Continue to extend appropriate recognition to NCEA members.

· Continue to organize the membership list so each committee member has a specific list of name in which he/she is responsible for extending courtesies.

· Notify NCEA members of their District courtesy committee contact.

· Work on developing a current list of retired NCEA members so the courtesy committee can extend appropriate courtesies to retirees.

· Send periodic email reminders to committee members, NCEA listserv and All County listserv requesting assistance in sharing information which will help this committee achieve its goals.

“Appropriate Recognition” has been defined by the committee as:

§ Cards will be sent to NCEA members for special honors, awards, marriage, addition of children, illness, death of a parent, as a new member, and those leaving the system through reduction in force, resignation, or retirement.

§ Memorials of $20 will be sent with a card to NCEA members for the death of a spouse or child.

§ Flowers or a plant will be sent to the family for the death of an NCEA member.

List of Committee Members, Officers, Terms, Email