Taiwanese Specialty   Tasting Night


Taiwanese Specialty  Tasting Night


Sunday, 8/24/2014, 6:00 ~ 8:00 PM

Grand Asia Raleigh: 1253 Buck Jones Rd, Raleigh, NC 27606


(919) 468-2988 

Welcome to the Taiwanese Specialty Night of the 2014 Taiwanese Culinary Arts Tour.

This evening's program is teaching and tasting which will remind many the home cooking they were so used to while growing up in Taiwan.  There will be a lot of opportunities  interacting with our gold medalist chefs Chia Mo Chen 國宴主廚「阿謨師」陳嘉謨, Tingwei Hung, and Chewei Lu.  They will be assisted by chef Wang of the Joy Luck Club restaurant of Grand Asia Market and his kitchen staffs. 

Chef Chen is the executive chef of many state banquets in Taiwan.  He has a special recipe for wine chicken, 紹興醉雞,which is a popular dish in Shanghai cuisine brought to Taiwan.  Chef Chen adapted the modern day cooking techniques and enhanced not only the flavor but also the meat and texture to be more tender and juicier.  Altogether, there will be 12 specialty dishes planned that cover the local favorites from southern to northern Taiwan. It is going to be a fun evening.  This "cooking show" will be held at the food court area in a classic sidewalk cafe, 小吃店, setting.  Your hostess will be Mr. Richard Chang, President of NCTAYCC and Ms. Jenny Chen, Founding President of NCTACC.

The cost for the event is $25.00 per person including tax, to cover the cost of teaching materials, food ingredients, supplies, and facility.  Seating has all been filled now, please email Dr. James Su, james_j_su@yahoo.com, if interested in being put on a waiting list.

台灣特色小吃菜單 Taiwanese Specialty Menu

