聲.東及西 VoxPlay A Cappella Concert 

Time: 7:30PM ~ 9:30PMDate:    Saturday, October 6, 2012Place:  Davis Dr Middle School (DDMS), Cary, NC 
Admission: RCLS (北卡洛麗中文學校)NCHA (北卡客家同鄉會)TAA-NC (北卡台灣同鄉會)TACAS (北卡三角地區華美協會)CHCLCS (北卡教堂山中文學校Grand Asia Market(大亞洲超商)



The North Carolina Taiwanese Cultural Arts appreciate sincerely your attendance of the 2012 Goodwill Mission Concert 臺灣友好文化訪問團 at the Davis Dr Middle School (DDMS), Cary, NC  on October 6, 2012, featuring A Cappella singing  of unforgettable Mandarin and English songs of the golden years by the award winning singing group VoxPlay「玩聲樂團」from Taipei. 

Close to 400 people from North Carolina and neighboring states enjoyed the A-Cappella concert by a group of 7 young adults Audiences responded enthusiastically  while celebrating the 101th double 10th national day of ROC, Taiwan.  By being freshly young,  using the "popular in western world but rare in Taiwan" style of "vocal singing performance without instrumental accompaniment", singing all-time golden classic favorites, they showed the innovation, growth and aspiration of the future generation and awakened our common memories of Taiwan. 

玩聲樂團以一個來自臺灣的團體在北卡的演出,可以說是前無古人。這種純以人聲伴奏,不用樂器的合唱方式,我們也看過本地大學裡的學生團體演出過。但是沒有玩聲唱出來的那麼內容豐富,好像一整個樂班子都在現唱一樣。於是觀眾開始忙碌起來,到底有沒有伴唱機在後面?那個大鼓聲音是那裡出來的嘭嚓嘭嚓? 喇叭呢?這個「鄧麗君」女聲唱的真好,這平劇唱腔也很道地,那個「一樣的月光 」男聲更是一流。大約100分鐘的節目很快就過去,留下的是觀眾對這個年輕的團體極為深刻的印象。


Here are the related reports on the performance from the local News Media:

Program 節目單

Sample Mandarin & Taiwanese 國台語:菊花台(周杰倫), 望春風(陶喆), OAOA (五月天), 被遺忘的時光(蔡琴), 三天三夜 (張惠妹), 酒後的心聲(江蕙), 鄧麗君組曲

Sample English 英文:Walking down the Street (the Real Group), When You Wish upon the Star (N’SYNC), Change the World (Eric Clapton), Only you (Flyin’ picket)