by Maurício Carvalho

email - mopcmsn at hotmail dot com

Follow me on Twitter @Mcarvalho

Visit and subscribe to my Youtube channel MOPC Linguistica (link = )

Welcome to my personal inventory of language studies.

Most of these documents were written between 1999 and 2006 and the earlier ones were made for a website I had at the turn of the century. Now I am reopening a humble space on the net to share my studies and knowledge with everyone. Many of the later texts (2003 - 2006) were written for language teaching purposes and are often in Portuguese, some are Portuguese-English, especially vocabulary lists.

If you need translations or language lessons, please contact me on skype (mopcarvalho) or e-mail mopctranslations at Gmail dot com.

I also maintain an updated thread on Skyscrapercity about all existing and future urban transportation systems in Brazil.

The languages I speak, in order of fluency, are:

Brazilian Portuguese










I currently work as a translator of the first languages on that list. Obviously I have a degree of fluence in closely related languages (the other Romance, Germanic and Slavic languages, plus Latin and Greek - modern and ancient). I have extensively studied other languages as well, as you can gather from my pages. The main languages I have studied in relative depth but do not speak (beside the European languages) are: Arabic, Persian, Swahili, Zulu, Tupi.

I also have a degree in Linguistics from the University of São Paulo (USP), my thesis can be viewed here.