Masahiro FUTAKI

Associate Professor

Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Graduate School of Science, Chiba University

1-33 Yayoi-cho, Inage, Chiba, 263-8522 Japan

Office: Room 307, 3rd Floor of the Faculty of Science Bldg. 1, Nishichiba Campus access Campus map

e-mail: (my family name) at


Geometry Seminar at Chiba University Updated: Next talk TBD

Forthcoming Workshops

19-21 August 2024 Aspects of Mirror Symmetry 2024. Chiba University (on-site) (co-organized with Atsushi Kanazawa (Waseda) and Hiroshige Kajiura (Chiba))

16-17 January 2025 Symplectic and complex geometry days in Osaka. Osaka Metropolitan University (on-site) (co-organized with Yohsuke Imagi (ShanghaiTech) and Yoshinori Hashimoto (OMU))

Workshops in the past

4-6 September 2023 ミラー対称性の諸相2023. 千葉大学 (on-site) (co-organized with Atsushi Kanazawa (Keio) and Hiroshige Kajiura (Chiba))

18-20 March 2023 Energies of Knots, Residues of Manifolds and Related Topics. Chiba University (co-organized with Hiroshige Kajiura (Chiba U.) and Shigehiro Sakata (Fukuoka U.))

5-7 September 2022 ミラー対称性の諸相 2022. 千葉大学 (on-site) (co-organized with Atsushi Kanazawa (Keio) and Hiroshige Kajiura (Chiba))

19-20  August 2021 ミラー対称性の諸相 2021. online (Zoom) (co-organized with Atsushi Kanazawa (Keio) and Hiroshige Kajiura (Chiba))

16-17 September 2020 ミラー対称性の諸相 2020. online (Zoom) (co-organized with Atsushi Kanazawa (Kyoto) and Hiroshige Kajiura (Chiba))

10-11 July 2019 Aspects of Mirror Symmetry 2019. Chiba University (co-organized with Atsushi Kanazawa (Kyoto) and Hiroshige Kajiura (Chiba))

25-26 Septemper 2018 Aspects of Mirror Symmetry 2018. Kyoto University (co-organized with Atsushi Kanazawa (Kyoto))

11-13 July 2018 Topics on Lagrangian submanifolds and Hamiltonian dynamics. Chiba University (co-organized with Hiroshige Kajiura (Chiba))

Recent Papers and Preprints

Equivariant homological mirror symmetry for C and CP^1 (with Fumihiko Sanda). Journal of Geometry and Physics Volume 192, October 2023. Preprint version arXiv:2112.14622 (to be replaced with the revised version).

Homological mirror symmetry of F_1 via Morse homotopy (with Hiroshige Kajiura). Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Volume 26 (2022) Number 8. Preprint version arXiv:2012.06801.

Homological mirror symmetry of CP^n and their products via Morse homotopy (with Hiroshige Kajiura). J. Math. Phys., 62(3):032307, 21, 2021.

Upcoming talks

Past talks

26 July 2023, Equivariant Homological Mirror Symmetry for CP^1. Pacific Rim Complex and Symplectic Geometry Conference 2023, Qingtian, Lishui, Zhejiang Province, China.

13 December 2022, Equivariant Homological Mirror Symmetry for CP^1. Mirror Symmetry and Related Topics, Kyoto 2022 at Kyoto University (on-site)

14 November 2022, Equivariant Homological Mirror Symmetry for CP^1. Symplectic Monday seminar, IBS-CGP (online)

5-7 September 2022 Wrapped深谷圏入門. ミラー対称性の諸相2022 at 千葉大学

28 June 2022 (EDT), Equivariant Homological Mirror Symmetry for CP^1. BU-Keio-Tsinghua Workshop 2022 Geometry and Mathematical Physics, Boston University (hybrid)

29 March 2022 1次元射影空間に対する同変ホモロジー的ミラー対称性 (with 三田史彦). 日本数学会年会 幾何学分科会 at 埼玉大学 (no in-person meeting)

11 June 2021 射影空間に対するSYZ構成とホモロジー的ミラー対称性 東京都立大学幾何学セミナー (online)

15 March 2021, Homological mirror symmetry for projective spaces via Morse homotopy (with 梶浦宏成), 日本数学会年会 幾何学分科会 (online)

10 Jan. 2020, Introduction to the Fukaya-Seidel category and homological mirror symmetry for singularities, Workshop on Singularities and Symplectic Geometry, Kyoto University

19 Dec. 2019, Coamoeba, dimer models and HMS in dimension 2. Tropical Geometry and Mirror Symmetry, The University of Melbourne, Creswick

12 Dec. 2019,  Homological mirror symmetry for the projective space and an equivariant version, Mirror Symmetry and Related Topics 2019, Kyoto University

2 Dec. 2019, Equivariant homological mirror symmetry and partially wrapped Fukaya category, RMS & IBS-CGP Joint Workshop, RIMS, Kyoto University

28 Mar. 2019, a Thom-Sebastiani type theorem for Fukaya-Seidel categories, Seoul National University

18 Dec. 2017, Gluing cotangent bundles and the Hochschild cohomology of wrapped Fukaya categories, 明治大学幾何セミナー

25 Oct. 2017, IPMU (closed)

13-14 Oct. 2017, On Deligne's conjecture for the Hochschild cochain complex and formality, 大阪大学

21 Jun. 2017 in ミラー対称性の諸相 2017, 京都大学

Schedule (a reminder for myself, subject to change)

19 June 2024 International Conference on Differential Geometry, Integrable Systems and Their Ramifications. Waseda University

8-12 July 2024 (tbd) New Aspects in Topological Recursion, Resurgence and Related Topics. RIMS, Kyoto University

5-9 August 2024 Recent Developments in Mirror Symmetry and Calabi-Yau Varieties. RIMS, Kyoto University

26-29 August 2024 (tbd) 第69回代数学シンポジウム. 筑波大学

9-12 September 2024 (tbd) Workshop on Tropical Geometry, Singularity theory, and Algebraic Geometry. Tokyo Metropolitan University

9-13 December 2024 Workshop on Mirror Symmetry and Related Topics, Kyoto 2024. Kyoto University

Past workshops I attended (online)

30 August - 2 September 2022 第69回 幾何学シンポジウム at 東京理科大学野田キャンパス (hybrid)

6-14 July 2022 Virtual ICM 2022. (online)

28 May - 1 June 2022 3CinG Symplectic versus algebraic geometry. Mathematics Institute, The University of Warwick (hybrid)

16-20 May 2022 On the crossroads of algebra, geometry, and physics. Yale University

4-8 Apr. 2022 Homological Mirror Symmetry. IMSA, U. Miami (hybrid)

29 Mar.-2 Apr. 2022 Hodge Theory and Related Topics. IMSA, U. Miami (hybrid)

17, 18 Mar. 2022 第75回 Encounter with Mathematics. Cluster Algebras. 中央大学

14-18 Mar. 2022 Recent developments in Lagrangian Floer theory. SCGP Stony Brook, New York (hybrid)

17-21 Feb. 2022 Winter School on Koszul Algebra and Koszul Duality. 大阪市立大学 (online)

14-15 Feb. 2022 The 7th KTGU Mathematics Workshop for Young Researchers. Kyoto University (online)

8-11 Feb. 2022 Algebraic Geometry and Integrable Systems 2022. Kobe University (online)

13-15 Dec. 2021 Online Workshop on Mirror symmetry and Related Topics, Kyoto 2021. Kyoto University (online)

14-17  Sep. 2021, 日本数学会 2021年度秋季総合分科会 at 千葉大学 (online)

13 Sep. 2021, MSJ-KMS Joint Meeting 2021 (online)

1-10 Sep. 2021, A conference in celebration of the work of Bill Crawley-Boevey at U. Manchester (online)

31 Aug. - 3 Sep. 2021, 代数学シンポジウム at 早稲田大学 (online)

31 Aug. - 3 Sep. 2021, 第68回幾何学シンポジウム at 北海道大学 (online)

6-7 Apr. 2021, Workshop on Frobenius manifolds and related topics, Sultan Qaboos University (online)

19-21 Jan. 2021, Homological Mirror Symmetry and Applications at IMSA Miami (online)

4-15 Jan. 2021, Legendrians, Cluster algebras, and Mirror symmetry at IBP-CGP, Pohang (online)

7-11 Dec. 2020, Online Workshop on Mirror Symmetry and Related Topics, Kyoto 2020, Online (Zoom)

Past academic visits (after March 2017)

17-18 March 2024 日本数学会 2024年度年会. 大阪公立大学杉本キャンパス

15 March 2024 第6回トロピカル幾何ワークショップ. 広島大学理学部

8-9 February 2024 Topics on mathematical structures in string theory. 東大数理

29 January - 1 February 2024 Workshop on Nonarchimedean Geometry and Related Fields. Kyoto University

15-19 January 2024 Tsinghua-Tokyo workshop on Calabi-Yau. 富士研修所

9-12 January 2024 深谷賢治氏「expoded manifold 入門」 京都大学

18-22 December 2023 Workshop on Mirror Symmetry and Related Topics, Kyoto 2023. Kyoto University

30 October - 1 November 2023 East Asian Symplectic Conference 2023. Jeju, Korea

24-25 October 2023 Holomorphic Floer theory and related topics, 2023. Kyoto University

RIKEN iTHEMS, Wako, Saitama, Japan (7-10 August 2023 Higher Algebra in Geometry)

Qingtian, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, China (24-28 July 2023 Pacific Rim Complex and Symplectic Geometry Conference 2023)

SCGP, USA (25-28 April 2023 Concluding Conference of Simons Collaboration on Homological Mirror Symmetry)

RIMS, Kyoto (20-22 February 2023 Gauge Theory, Moduli Spaces and Representation Theory, Kyoto 2023)

Kyoto University (12-16 December 2022 Mirror Symmetry and Related Topics, Kyoto 2022)

北海道大学 (13-16 September 2022 日本数学会 2022年度秋季総合分科会)

Gakushuin University (8-12 August 2022 Calabi-Yau Manifolds and Mirror Symmetry - Past, Present, and Future -.)

Kyoto University (1-3 August 2022 Pacific Rim Complex and Symplectic Geometry Conference, Kyoto, 2022.)

Nagoya University (14-15 January 2020, Sheaf quantization)

Kyoto University (8-10 January 2020, Workshop on Singularities and Symplectic Geometry)

Melbourne University, Creswick (16-20 December 2019, MATRIX workshop: Tropical Geometry and Mirror Symmetry)

Kyoto University (9-13 December 2019, Mirror Symmetry and Related Topics, 2019)

RIMS, Kyoto University (2-4 December 2019, RIMS & IBS-CGP Joint Workshop

Osaka University (26-29 November 2019, Categorical and Analytic Invariants in Algebraic Geometry Ⅶ)

Nagoya University (24-27 September 2019, Summer School on DG theory and Derived Categories)

Kyoto University (3-7 June 2019, Cluster Algebras 2019 Week 1)

Seoul National University (28-29 March 2019, Mini workshop on Symplectic geometry and Mirror symmetry)

Kyoto University (17-22 February 2019, Geometry and Everything)

Kyoto University (10-14 December 2018, Mirror Symmetry for Fano Manifolds and Related Topics)

Hokkaido University (26-30 November 2018, Categorical and Analytic Invariants in Algebraic Geometry Ⅵ)

Kyoto University (25-26 September 2018)

Universität Augsburg (25-31 August 2018, Workshop on SFT IX)

Tohoku University (18-22 June 2018, String-Math 2018)

Sichuan University at Chengdu, China (29 October-3 November 2017, East Asian Symplectic Conference)

see also my researchmap page.

(c) 2017-2024 Masahiro Futaki (last modified: 17 June 2024)