About the Workshop:

The workshop "Recent developments in mirror symmetry and Calabi-Yau varieties" will be held at RIMS, Kyoto, Japan, 5th-9th August 2024. It is a part of RIMS project 2024 "Development in Algebraic Geometry related to Integrable Systems and Mathematical Physics". The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers in the fields of mirror symmetry of Calabi-Yau manifolds, quantum cohomology, Gromov-Witten invariants, DT/GV invariants of sheaves, and related subjects to discuss achievements so far and the future. We will have plenary talks on selected subjects for researchers and young graduate students.

Background of the Workshop:

Since the discovery of mirror symmetry of Calabi-Yau manifolds in the 1990s, we have witnessed the remarkable progress in the theory of Gromov-Witten invariants, and also a mathematical theory of quantum cohomology. Moreover, motivated by homological mirror symmetry, which relates the derived Fukaya category in symplectic geometry to the derived category of coherent sheaves of a Calabi-Yau manifold, Gromov-Witten invariants are considered to reduce to more intrinsic invariants in the derived categories of Calabi-Yau manifolds. Many important developments in this direction have been made in the last decade. Along with these theoretical developments, recently, the mathematical foundation for calculating Gromov-Witten invariants in terms of the so-called holomorphic anomaly equation has been established for quintic hypersurfaces. Also, non-perturbative aspect of the topological string theory has attracting attentions since some exact solutions have been found for the topological recursions.

This workshop is aimed for young researchers as well as experts in the related research fields to gather and communicate each other to develop further mathematics related to mirror symmetry. Some plenary talks by experts in selected subjects will be given for young researchers as well as non-experts who are interested in mathematics related to mirror symmetry.

Invited Speakers (Confirmed)

Program with the titles (click here)

Aug.5 (Mon.)

9:30–10:30 Shinobu Hosono (Gakushuin University)

BCOV equations for families of Calabi-Yau threefolds

10:45–11:45 Hiroshi Iritani (Kyoto University)

TBA (1)

13:15–14:15 Kaoru Ono (RIMS, Kyoto University)


14:45–15:30 Olivia Dumitrescu (University of North Carolina)


15:45–16:45 Kohei Iwaki (University of Tokyo)


Aug.6 (Tue.)

9:30–10:30 Hiroshi Iritani (Kyoto University)


10:45–11:45 Huai-Liang Chang (Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology)


13:15–14:15 Wei-Ping Li (Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology)

Geometry of Mixed-Spin-P-Fields

14:45–15:30 Shuai Guo (Peking University)


15:45–16:45 John Alexander Cruz Morales (National Univ. of Colombia)

Dubrovin duality and 4d/2d correspondences: Towards mirror symmetry for Hurwitz-Frobenius manifolds

Aug.7 (Wed.)

9:30–10:30 Mark Gross (Cambridge University)


10:45–11:45 Yukinobu Toda (IPMU, University of Tokyo)


13:15–14:15 Todor Milanov (IPMU, University of Tokyo)


14:45–15:30 Atsushi Takahashi (Osaka University)


15:45–16:45 Yukiko Konishi (Tsuda University)



Social Dinner at 2F of Hokubu-Seikyou on the campus

Aug.8 (Thu.)

9:30–10:30 Mark Gross (Cambridge University)


10:45–11:45 Yukinobu Toda (IPMU, University of Tokyo)


13:15–14:15 Daniel Pomerleano (University of Massachusetts)

Homological mirror symmetry for Batyrev mirror pairs

14:45–15:30 Jeongseok Oh (Seoul National University)


15:45–16:45 Tasuki Kinjo (RIMS, Kyoto University)

Recent developments in BPS invariants and their categorification

Aug.9 (Fri.)

9:30–10:30 Fumihiko Sanda (Gakushuin University)


10:45–11:45 Hiroshi Ohta (Nagoya University)



Free Discussion

Title and abstract (pdf version)




Registration for WS2 : Recent Developments in Mirror Symmetry and Calabi-Yau Varieties (August 05-09, 2024) 

 If you want to participate in the social dinner on the 7th  of August,  please register from the link above before 23:59 JST, July 4, 2024.  (Registration itself remains open until 23:59 JST, July 30, 2024.) 


Financial Support

RIMS, Kyoto University 

JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)   22H00094 (PI: Masa-Hiko Saito)  

JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory) 22K18669(PI: Masa-Hiko Saito)

JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)   20K03593 (PI: Shinobu Hosono)

JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S)   21H04994 (PI: Atsushi Takahashi)sug