Energies of Knots, Residues of Manifolds and Related Topics

The venue is Chiba University.

The building number is S1 of Faculty of Science, and the room number is 321.


March 18th (Sat.) 

1430--1530 Takeyuki Nagasawa (Saitama Univ.), Decomposition of the O'Hara energy

1600--1700 Jun O'Hara (Chiba Univ.), From energy of knots to residues (and energies) of (sub)manifolds

19th (Sun.) 

1000--1100 Hiroshi Iriyeh (Ibaraki Univ.), On volume product of symmetric convex bodies

1130--1230 Asuka Takatsu (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.), Concavity in PDE

1430--1530 Remi Langevin (Bourgogne Univ.), From Euclidean geometry to extrinsic conformal geometry

1550--1650 Takashi Tsuboi (Musashino Univ.), Real-analytic Birkhoff sections

1700--1730 Short communications 1

Gil Solanes (Centre de Recerca Matematica)

20th (Mon.)

1000--1100 Masahiko Yoshinaga (Osaka Univ.), Magnitudes and magnitude homology of metric spaces

1120--1200 Short communications 2

Philipp Reiter (Chemnitz Univ. of Technology)

Shigehiro Sakata (Fukuoka Univ.)

The participants were strictly restricted.

We celebrated Professor Jun O'Hara's 60th birthday. 

We had a dinner on 18th at the restaurant "IL PINOLO Chiba".