FDA Fast Tracks Lyme Vaccine

Is "Fast Tracking" A Good Thing

For A Lyme Disease Vaccine?

1.) In August 1998 FDA "Fast Tracked" the first Lyme vaccine through the system. (LymeRix) It was a disaster.

2.) In July 2017 FDA granted "Fast Track Status" for another Lyme vaccine. (VLA-15)

Cures 21st Century Act- a bill, unfortunately, that a few Lyme groups supported.

QUOTE- "The CDC states that Lyme disease is one of the fastest growing vector-borne infections in the US and Congress made development of a new Lyme disease vaccine a funding priority in the 21st Century Cures Act passed at the end of 2016." Source- New Lyme Vaccine Pushed, Same Vaccine Corruption Revealed

BTW- Does anyone still have any doubts about why the CDC (patent holder) suddenly upped the number of cases of Lyme disease from 30,000 per year to 300,000 per year?

Yes! It was to be able to market their new vaccine!

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