New York
New York
Am J Health Promot. 2006 Jul-Aug;20(6):379-82.
An evaluation of a Lyme disease prevention program in a working population.
New York State Department of Health, Bureau of Environmental and Occupational Epidemiology, Center for Environmental Health, Troy, New York 12180, USA.
Lyme disease vaccine was offered to New York State Department of Health employees considered at risk for Lyme disease because of their job duties. This evaluation was conducted to assess (1) attitudes that affected employees' decisions to accept or decline the vaccine, (2) preventive behaviors among employees who received the vaccine, and (3) effectiveness of the educational modalities offered in improving knowledge ofLyme disease and Lyme disease vaccine.
A total of 190 eligible employees were identified and were offered two educational modalities before deciding whether to receive the vaccine. The subsequent evaluation involved three telephone interviews, one pre-education and two posteducation-vaccination, to assess factors affecting the decision about vaccination and attitudes, behaviors, and knowledge among vaccine recipients (N=30) and nonrecipients (N=160).
This evaluation indicated that the majority of vaccine recipients decided to receive the vaccinebecause of an anticipated risk of tick exposure. For employees who declined vaccination, many were concerned about the safety (64%), novelty (56%), or efficacy (48%) of the vaccine. Posteducation knowledge ofLyme disease vaccine significantly improved among those who attended an education session compared with those who did not and was retained 1 year later.
The results suggest that when a vaccine-related disease-prevention program is undertaken, (1) attitudes about disease risks and vaccine risks influence decisions to accept vaccination, and (2) in-person education should be a mandatory element of the program.
PMID: 16871815 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]