Vaccines Revealed- Video Series

Vaccines Revealed

Info from Dekrator:

I am so thankful that RFK Jr is going to lead this commission on vaccine safety.

I just watched RFK's amazing interview on episode 3 of the 9 part docu-series called "Vaccines Revealed" which runs from Jan 10-18 2017.

The information he shared is astounding!

Episode 3 is only available to view until 9 pm tonight, Friday, Jan 13. Then episode 4 will start. Each episode is available for 24 hours.

Here is the link if anyone wants to sign up easily with their email address and watch remaining episodes.

Each episode has been really good, but I especially loved the RFK Jr interview in episode 3. Episode 3 also contains a 20 minute condensed version of the movie "Vaxxed".

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From the Producer....

First off, thanks for registering to watch the "Vaccines Revealed" docu-series.

Welcome to our Vaccines Revealed community!

Mark your calendar, because each day from January 10-18th (2017) you'll have a new episode available to watch for free for 24 hours. So keep an eye on your email!

New episodes will be available each day from 9 PM EST to 9 PM EST the next day with the last episode launching on January 18th.


To be sure you get all the episode emails sent to your inbox instead of your spam. Please add INFO@VACCINESREVEALED.COM to your safe sender list.

Also, join the Facebook community HERE!

I'm so inspired by people like you people who are willing to take a stand for your health (and your family's health)... people who are willing to seek out the TRUTH.

See, for decades Big Pharma has controlled and manipulated the media to keep the truth hidden.

They've silenced and shunned whistle-blowers...

They've repressed scientists who question the safety of vaccines...

They've revoked the licenses of doctors who dare to question the connection between vaccines and autism...

They've bribed politicians and government health officials.Enough is enough. It's time to change that.

It's time to uncover the truth and take back our health - not just for ourselves, but for our children as well.

I know we have a undoubtable documentary series that will not only open eyes, but also spark a movement for change across the US and the world.

Featuring exclusive interviews with the world's most acclaimed experts in research, medicine, immunology and natural health...

Vaccines Revealed exposes the hidden (and deadly) story behind the multi-billion dollar vaccine industry. Don't take my word for it though...

Make sure you catch the first astounding episode on Tuesday, January 10th.

I look forward to having you with us on this meaningful and significant journey.


Dr. Patrick Gentempo