Bad Tests/Bad Vaccine

Bad Tests = Bad Studies = Bad Vaccines

Putting The Cart in Front of the Horse Are We?

Back in 2005, Johns Hopkins published a study indicating lab tests for Lyme disease missed approximately 75% of the people who were infected. Over a decade later (2017) another study by Michael Cook, et. al. determined 74.9% of those infected had false-negative Lyme disease test results. It's plain to see Lyme tests are NOT getting any better!

In fact, many medical professionals who are on the front lines treating the growing number of chronically ill patients believe the percentages of missed cases are much higher- up to 90%.

When conclusions in scientific studies are based on results of inaccurate tests, the study's conclusions will obviously be flawed. When the same flawed studies and same flawed tests are then used to develop a vaccine, the vaccine can't help but be seriously flawed too.

In Order Of Importance We Need...

1. Accurate Tests

2. Accurate Study Results

3. A Successful & Lasting Cure

4. Then, If Necessary- A Vaccine

Quote From Michael Cook, et. al. Int J Gen Med. 2017 Apr 10;10:113-123. doi: 10.2147/IJGM.S131909. Application of Bayesian decision-making to laboratory testing for Lyme disease and comparison with testing for HIV. "The probability of a false-negative test for LD with a single test for early-stage disease was high at 66.8%, increasing to 74.9% for two-tier testing." Source

Quotes From Johns Hopkins- Coulter, et. al. J Clin Microbiol. 2005 Oct;43(10):5080-4.- Two-Year Evaluation of Borrelia burgdorferi Culture and Supplemental Tests for Definitive Diagnosis of Lyme Disease. "...when compared to a composite diagnostic definition comprising clinical and laboratory findings, no single test, including culture from plasma or skin, achieves a high rate of diagnostic sensitivity (10)."... "Although laboratory testing for diagnosis of Lyme disease is improving, the degree of sensitivity needed for a high level of assurance at the time of early Lyme disease is still not obtainable, even through combinations of various laboratory tests." Source

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