Forgiveness & Healing

Prayer for Healing

(Spoken over music)

P: O Lord, you are indeed the healer of all our ills. We bring to you, Lord, our bodies, minds and spirits hurting and broken by the violence, ills, trauma and cares of a world separated from you. Come to us now with your healing powers.

C: Breathe on me, O God, and make me whole.

A: O God, we ask that you heal us. Give us the strength, health, wisdom and knowledge found only through you. Send your life-giving Spirit so that we may live our lives with courage in the profound peace of your love. Come to us now with your healing powers.

C: Breathe on me, O God, and make me whole.

P: O God, we ask that you sustain those who seek to alleviate the pain and suffering of this world. Give strength, courage, wisdom and knowledge to all doctors and orderlies, nurses and clerks, psychiatrists, researchers, and all other medical care givers, volunteers and professionals. Send your life-giving Spirit so that their ministries may bring healing and promote health. Come to us now with your healing powers.

C: Breathe on me, O God, and make me whole.

A: Be also with those who work to heal the wounds of societies and nations. Guide, protect and strengthen our lawyers and police, chaplains and pastors, healthcare and social workers, politicians, military, diplomats and all others who work for economic and social reform. Send your life-giving Spirit that they may promote your love and grace, bringing healing to those in conflict and stability to those who are vulnerable. Come to us now with your healing powers.

C: Breathe on me, O God, and make me whole.

P: God so loved this world and this people that God sent Christ to suffer and die for us. Accept now that gift. Know that you are forgiven, reconciled, accepted and loved.

C: Amen.

+ + +

You are our Mother,

The one to whom we can run

Crying, “Mommy, Mommy,

I need you - make it better.”

You are our Father,

The one to whom we can run

Crying, “Daddy, Daddy,

I need you - pick me up.”

You are our Parent,

The one who gives us life

Calling, “My child, my child,

I want you - come to me.”

Father, Pappa, Pappacito.

Mother, Momma, Mater, Mammita.

To you, O God, we cry.

To you, O God, we belong.

We are your children;

You cradle us in your arms.

We are loved.

Lisa Frenz 1999

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P: God of all mercy and love, you have promised us your Son, the hope of our salvation.

C: We offer up to you all that is wrong within us for we are the ones who must be enlightened, who must be led into gladness. We are prisoners of our own brokenness with hearts and minds and bodies in need of wholeness. Come, Lord Jesus, live in us.

P: God hears our voices, sees our needs, and loves us, offering us the gift of forgiveness through Jesus Christ, bringing us into harmony with ourselves, our friends, our world and most especially with our God.

C: Amen.

Lisa Frenz 2012

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When Memory Fades/Psalm 121 - NEW 5//31/06

(spoken over music)

P: I lift up my eyes to the hills-- from where will my help come?

C: My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth.

Sung Response: When Memory Fades

Text: Mary Louise Bringle, b. 1953. Music: Finlandia 111011101110, Jean Sibelius, 1865-1957; arr. Gunnar J. Malmin, Corncordia Hymnal, 1931. Text © by GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Arr. © 1932 A

When mem’ry fades,... and healing peace, empow’r us

with patient courage, by your grace infused.

P: He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber.

C: He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.

Sung Response:

As frailness grows,... your arms, unwearied, shall uphold us still.

P: The LORD is your keeper; the LORD is your shade at your right hand.

C: The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night.

Sung Response:

Within your Spirit, ... Held in your heart, our deathless life is won.

P: The LORD will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life.

C: The LORD will keep your going out and your coming in from this time on and forevermore.

Sung Response:

Your mind enfolds ... our deathless life is won.

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Meditation: Kyrie (Haugen, GIA Music) or other appropriate music sung by choir or played by instrumentalist(s)

During the Meditation the acolyte will bring lighted votive candles to each row. You may hold the votive for a few moments of meditation, then pass it to the person next to you. If desired, you may sing the Kyrie with the choir. When the Kyrie ends please blow out the candle and place on the floor under the pew.

Prayer for Forgiveness and Healing:

(Spoken over music)

Paper has been provided to write down problems or confessions that may be brought forward and burned as part of our prayer.

Sung Refrain: "Shepherd me, O God" Refrain only (Haugen) Gather Comprehensive 31, GIA Music

P: O Lord, you are indeed the healer of all our ills. We bring to you, Lord, our bodies, minds and spirits hurting and broken by the violence, ills, trauma and cares of a world separated from you. Come to us now with your healing powers.

C: Breathe on me, O God, and make me whole.

A: O God, we ask that you heal us. Give us the strength, health, wisdom and knowledge found only through you. Send your life-giving Spirit so that we may live our lives with courage in the profound peace of your love. Come to us now with your healing powers.

C: Breathe on me, O God, and make me whole.

P: O God, we ask that you sustain those who seek to alleviate the pain and suffering of this world. Give strength, courage, wisdom and knowledge to all doctors and orderlies, nurses and clerks, psychiatrists, researchers, and all other medical care givers, volunteers and professionals. Send your life-giving Spirit so that their ministries may bring healing and promote health. Come to us now with your healing powers.

C: Breathe on me, O God, and make me whole.

A: Be also with those who work to heal the wounds of societies and nations. Guide, protect and strengthen our lawyers and police, chaplains and pastors, healthcare and social workers, politicians, military, diplomats and all others who work for economic and social reform. Send your life-giving Spirit that they may promote your love and grace, bringing healing to those in conflict and stability to those who are vulnerable. Come to us now with your healing powers.

C: Breathe on me, O God, and make me whole.

Sung Refrain: "Shepherd me, O God" Refrain only (Haugen) Gather Comprehensive 31, GIA Music

P: (spoken over music) As a parent embraces a wounded child so does God reach out and hold close all of us: not caring if our wounds were self-inflicted or received from others; not caring if our scars of mind and body are pitiful or ugly, not caring about what we were or are, what we have done or not done. As a wounded child we cry out and run into God's embrace and God not only accepts, but welcomes and loves us, cleaning, healing, and restoring us to wholeness of heart, mind, body and soul.

A: Heal me, O God,

C: For I have sinned.

Sung Refrain: "Shepherd me, O God" Refrain only (Haugen) Gather Comprehensive 31, GIA Music

A: (spoken over music) Merciful God,

C: I confess that I am broken. I have lived a lie by inaction, hurt others without thinking, not done what you have asked me to do.

A: Heal me, O God,

C: For I have sinned.


A: (spoken over music) Merciful God,

C: I confess that I am broken. I have acted in spite, hurt others by my words and deeds, deliberately done what is wrong.

A: Heal me, O God,

C: For I have sinned.


A: (spoken over music) Merciful God,

C: I confess that I am broken. I have lived for myself and not for others, judged where I should forgive, belittled where I should have built up. O Lord, I have not done justice or walked always with you.

A: Heal me, O God,

C: For I have sinned.


Sung Refrain: "Shepherd me, O God" Refrain only (Haugen) Gather Comprehensive 31, GIA Music


(During the silence you may write your problem or concern on your paper)

The Blessing of Healing:

(Music begins)

At this time you may come forward to the brazier with your paper and place it in the fire to be burned.

You may then go, one or two at a time, to the altar rails for a Blessing for Healing, or you may return to your seat.

When all have returned to their seats the Assistant continues.

A: Lord God, Healer of us all, you hear our cries of pain, even those so deep that they are silent. You see every wound of body, mind, and spirit; those inflicted upon us and those we have inflicted. You see us: imperfect, guilty, hurting, angry, scared, helpless, confused. You see us; touch us; mend us.

C: Amen.

P: God so loved this world and this people that God sent Christ to suffer and die for all. Accept now that gift of love. Know that you are forgiven, reconciled, accepted and loved.

C: Amen.

+ + +

P: God of all mercy and love, you have promised us your Son, the hope of our salvation.

C: We offer up to you all that is wrong within us for we are the ones who must be enlightened, who must be led into gladness. We are prisoners of our own brokenness with hearts and minds and bodies in need of wholeness. Come, Lord Jesus, live in us.

P: God hears our voices, sees our needs, and loves us, offering us the gift of forgiveness through Jesus Christ, bringing us into harmony with ourselves, our friends, our world and most especially with our God.

C: Amen.

Litany for Reconciliation

The people described below are real. I either know them personally,

or learned of their stories from family and friends. LF

Song: People of the Word vs. 1, 2 (Ray Makeever, Dancing At The Harvest 1, AugsbergFortress Press) or other appropriate song or verse

(Spoken over music)

P: Hear the words of a receptionist in Portland:

A: My heart aches even as I smile; my parents kicked me out of my home at age 16 when I told them I was gay.

C: O Lord, may we always be a safe place, a healing place, a place blessed to say

All: All are welcome here.

P: Hear the words of a girl from Alexander:

A: My face is calm even as my stomach tightens; my classmates shun me and make fun of me every day.

C: O Lord, may we always be a safe place, a sustaining place, a place blessed to convey

All: All are welcome here.

P: Hear the words of a woman in Nashville:

A: I will never forget it. The day they burned a cross on my front yard.

C: O Lord, may we always be a safe place, a comforting place, a place blessed to demonstrate

All: All are welcome here.

P: Hear the words of a man in Rockford:

A: My eyes flinch even as I walk tall; my church asked me to leave when they found out I was a transvestite.

C: O Lord, may we always be a safe place, an accepting place, a place blessed to advertise

All: All are welcome here.

Song: People of the Word vs. 3 (Ray Makeever, Dancing At The Harvest 1, AugsbergFortress Press) or other appropriate song or verse

P: Hear the words of a woman from Long Island:

A: I don't ever want to go to Germany. I'm afraid of what I'll feel; many of my relatives died in concentration camps.

C: O Lord, may we always be a safe place, a loving place, a place blessed to proclaim

All: All are welcome here.

P: Hear the words of a woman in Chicago:

A: My lips harden even as I breath deeply; my friends of 30 years ordered me from their house when they found out my sons were gay.

C: O Lord, may we always be a safe place, a consoling place, a place blessed to assert

All: All are welcome here.

P: Hear the words of a sex offender from Columbia County:

A: I messed up big time. I know God has forgiven me, but I also know society never will.

C: O Lord, may we always be a safe place, a supporting place, a place blessed to impart

All: All are welcome here.

P: Hear the words of a woman from Los Angeles:

A: I can't return to worship. My church excommunicated me because I divorced my abusive husband and I feel unworthy.

C: O Lord, may we always be a safe place, an affirming place, a place blessed to express

All: All are welcome here.

Song: People of the Word vs. 4 (Ray Makeever, Dancing At The Harvest 1, AugsbergFortress Press) or other appropriate song or verse

P: In a world where hurts are easily dealt to others by individuals and groups,

C: We seek to heal.

P: In a world where oppression hides behind social acceptance,

C: We do our best to uncover our blindness.

P: In a world where injustice is common,

C: We work to be advocates for those wronged.

P: In a world filled with prejudice and hate, fill us with love, O Lord,

C: That we may be a people who love the loveless, touch the outcast and welcome the stranger. Let us speak the words of acceptance.

P: Amen.

C: So be it, Lord.

Greeting of peace:

P: May the peace of the Christ Jesus be with you,

C: And also with you.

P: Let us share the peace of God, the peace which knows no bounds.

+ + +

Confession: (R = lay reader(s))

R: Temptation is to want a rulebook of laws which lead to salvation - not Grace. The rules mean "we can do it". Grace means "God does it".

C: We are closed, O God. Open us to you.

R: It isn't being faithful, or even contrite, which is the most important thing. It is being "open". Open to acceptance of God's forgiveness, open to letting go of self, open to letting God just happen.

C: We are closed, O God. Open us to you.

R: An author once said that what God needs to work in the world is a person who is an empty cup turned upright. That way, God can pour in and work through us. The cup doesn't know what's being done, because it can't see itself. It has no control over what it receives. This sounds so easy, but it is so terribly hard to do.

C: We are closed, O God. Open us to you.

R: We all work hard to be "perfect before God". In the meantime, we forget that once we have accepted Jesus the work is already done. We have nothing left to do but be ourselves, accept ourselves, and let the Holy Spirit do the rest of the "perfecting".

C: We are closed, O God. Open us to you.

R: An experience of total and complete acceptance of God is rare – that feeling of "Whether we live or die, it is all ok". Every once in a while, we get a taste of that, but most of the time, we're too stubborn to just step back and let God in.

C: We are closed, O God. Open us to you.

P: Lord Jesus Christ, you know our faults and have heard our prayers. You have ripped apart the barriers that separate us from God and opened us to the grace of God through your sacrifice of love on a cross, and your resurrection from the dead. Promise of God, fill your people and give us peace.

The peace of the Lord be with you.

C: And also with you.

(All share a greeting of peace.)

+ + +

Confession (The paper placed in the Font is dissolvable paper cut into small (2x2 inches) pieces. They dissolve rapidly when water is pour on them.)

P: In the dark of night God calls to us; beckoning us on, seeking us out, calling us to peace, to quietness, to wholeness.

C: The world is dark around us, filled with coldness, terror and restlessness.

P: It is a darkness of our creation: Greed, hatred, envy: brokenness.

C: Take us and heal us of every evil. Bring us back into the comfort and closeness of your embrace, O God.

P: Your cleansing love, O God, purifies our darkness restoring it to us: Warm, comforting, restful: complete.

C: In the dark of our night we hear God call, offering love, strength, healing and forgiveness.

Those who wish, may come forward with their written concerns/confessions and place them in the Baptismal Font.

Those who wish for a Blessing of Healing may continue to the altar.


When all have returned to their seats the pastor continues:

P: With God the darkness brings comfort not fear, love not hatred, righteousness not punishment. Walk in the darkness of your life as in the light, for both the dark and the light belong to God, as do you.

C: Amen.