
An Advent Liturgy

P = Presiding Minister

A = Assisting Minister

C = Congregation

Below are some worship resources which you are welcome to use at no charge. Please just use a copyright acknowledgment "Copyright Lisa Frenz. All Rights Reserved. Used with permission."

Order of Worship

Stand = Please stand as you are able. Sit = Please sit

(Dim lighting.)


Call to Worship & Lighting of Candles: Come verse 1

(W. Michael Aguilar III, copyright Shandy Music Industries, P.O. Box 10402, Portland, Oregon 97296. All rights reserved.)

(see Music)

(During the introduction to the song the altar candles are lighted.)

Lord of all light, come, come. . . .Come Lord of light!

(Spoken over music)

A: The advent of the Lord is near: the advent of the revealing Light.

C: Come, Lord Jesus, come to us now. We await your rising.

Sung Response: Refrain from Come (W. Michael Aguilar III)

Lord of all light,. . . Lord of light!

A: The advent of the Lord is near: the advent of the saving Hope.

C: Come, Lord Jesus, come to us now. We await your dawning.

Sung Response: Refrain from Come (W. Michael Aguilar III)

God of all grace. . . God of grace.

A: The advent of the Lord is near: the advent of the redeeming Child.

C: Come, Lord Jesus, come to us now. We await your coming.

Sung Response: Refrain from Come (W. Michael Aguilar III)

Lord of all love. . .Lord of love.

P: The advent of the Lord is near.

C: New life arising where death has stalked.

P: The advent of the Lord is near.

C: New life for lives left bleak and drear by losses, small and large.

P: The advent of the Lord is near.

C: New life, new hope, new chances.

Sung Response: Refrain from Come (W. Michael Aguilar II)

God of all grace. . . God of grace.

P: The advent of the Lord is near.

C: Engendering realization and change and fulfillment.

P: The advent of the Lord is near.

C: Embedding the glory of God into our beings.

P: The advent of the Lord is near.

C: Our lives are redefined.

Song: Come verses 1-3 (W. Michael Aguilar III)

(During song the Advent Wreath Candles are lighted. Lights are raised.)

Lord of all light, come, come. . .Come Lord of light!

God of all grace, come, come. . . Come God of grace.

Lord of all love, come, come. . .Come Lord of love.



P: The grace of God, the Creator, Savior and Spirit be with you all.

C: And also with you.

Greeting of Peace:

P: As Christ Jesus has shared his peace with each of us, let us now share that peace with each other. Peace be with you.

C: And peace be with you.

(All share a greeting of peace.)


Prayers of the Community:

Prayer of the Day:

P: Let us pray,

C: (The Prayer of the Day is spoken.)


A: Sing a song to Almighty God,

C: For God is great and wondrous.

A: Sing a song of praise and joy,

C: For God's glory fills our lives.

Praise Song:

First Lesson


Second Lesson

Gospel Song:

Holy Gospel

Music for Meditation


Theme Song:

Testimonial (personal testimony or a creed may be spoken)


Offering Prayer:

A: Let us pray,

C: God of all life, you have given us so much: family and friends, faith and hope, possessions and prosperity — more than we can ever know. Accept our thanks and praise. Grant that we may always be overflowing with your glory so that our lives become a song of praise to you. Amen.

Table Prayer: The Winter Name of God (Michael Joncas, GIA Music)

(or other sung or spoken table prayer)

Distribution of Holy Communion


P: May the body and blood of Jesus Christ, Emmanuel God With Us, ready us for God's work on earth and hold us ever in that loving presence, now and forever.

C: Amen.

Thanksgiving Song:

Post-Communion Prayer:

A: Let us pray,

C: Light of God Jesus Christ, you come to us in your meal of love. Nourish us that we may be an advent people: seeking the truth of your Word, instilled with a longing to see God. May we be infused with the presence of God which spills out into the world enriching everyone we meet in our daily activities, singing the glory of God in our lives. Amen.


P: The Lord bless you and keep you;

The Lord make His face shine on you,

And be caring towards you;

The Lord lift up His countenance on you,

And give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26

C: Amen.

Community Announcements

Sending Song:

A: Go in peace. Serve the Lord!

C: Thanks be to God.
