Evening Prayer

Evening Prayer

with Eucharist

copyright Lisa Frenz 2000

Below are some worship resources which you are welcome to use at no charge. Please just use a copyright acknowledgment "Copyright Lisa Frenz. All Rights Reserved. Used with permission."

Order of Worship

Music for Meditation

& The lighting of the candles

Please respect the wish of others to meditate or pray before service. Thank you.

(The Song is played quietly during the petitions)

P: In the quiet of the night, in the comfort of darkness we come to you, O Lord. We come for peace; we come for comfort; we come for forgiveness and love.

Song “O Lord, Hear My Prayer”

Text: Psalm 102:1-2; adapt. Taize Community, 1982

Music: Jacques Berthier, 1923-1994

Copyright Administrator: GIA Publications, Inc.


A: In the softness of evening, in the solace of silence we come to you, O Lord. We come for acceptance; we come for community; we come for forgiveness and love.

Song “O Lord, Hear My Prayer”

Text: Psalm 102:1-2; adapt. Taize Community, 1982

Music: Jacques Berthier, 1923-1994

Copyright Administrator: GIA Publications, Inc.


P: In the serenity of day’s end, in the restfulness of worship, we come to you O Lord. We come to you for respite; we come to you for completion; we come to you for forgiveness and love.

Song “O Lord, Hear My Prayer”

Text: Psalm 102:1-2; adapt. Taize Community, 1982

Music: Jacques Berthier, 1923-1994

Copyright Administrator: GIA Publications, Inc.


A: In the quiet of the night, in the comfort of darkness we come to you, O Lord. We come for peace; we come for comfort; we come for forgiveness and love.


P: We come, O Lord of Light, seeking the illumination of your Word. We come for the path we can’t find; we come for the life we don’t have. We come to you for our lives are death and you alone have breath and being.

Song “O Lord, Hear My Prayer” (use regular, "O Lord, hear my prayer", and alternative text "The Lord is my song")

Text: Psalm 102:1-2; adapt. Taize Community, 1982

Music: Jacques Berthier, 1923-1994

Copyright Administrator: GIA Publications, Inc.


During the following the altar candles are lighted.

P: (spoken over music) O Christ Jesus, you are our Light, the bright star of our heart.

C: Shine on us, O Lord of Light. You are the glow that illumines our darkness and chases away our fears.

Invocation Song: “Come”

by W. Michael Aguilar III, © 1999, Shandy Music Industries, PO Box 10402, Portland, OR 97296.

verse 1, "Lord of all light, come, come...."

P: (spoken over music) O Christ Jesus, you are our Lamp, the glow of truth, the underpinning of our existence.

C: Shine on us, O Lord of Light. You are the beacon of possibilities that lights our way and leads us to completion.

Invocation Song: “Come”

by W. Michael Aguilar III, © 1999, Shandy Music Industries, PO Box 10402, Portland, OR 97296.

verse 1, "Lord of all light, come, come...."

P: (spoken over music) O Christ Jesus, you are our Fire, the warmth of love in our soul.

C: Shine on us, O Lord of Light. You are the Blaze of passion that consumes our lives and brings us to rebirth.

Invocation Song: “Come” (see Music)

by W. Michael Aguilar III, © 1999, Shandy Music Industries, PO Box 10402, Portland, OR 97296.

verse 1, "Lord of all light, come, come...."

verse 2, "God of all grace, come, come...."

verse 3, "Lord of all love, come, come...."

Prayer of the Day

P: Let us pray: (the prayer of the day is said.)

First Reading


Second Reading




The Gospel


Meditation Music and Message


Theme Song:


We believe in one God, who is Creator, Ruler of the universe, maker of all we see and all we don’t see: Source of all creation!

We believe in one God, who is Jesus Christ, God from God, Light from Light, true God and true human. He is one with the Creator; the Word made flesh, our Messiah: Savior of all creation!

We believe in one God, who is Holy Spirit, Breath of God moving among us. Who is one with the Creator; one with the Christ; our Comforter and our Guide: Mentor of all creation!

The Sharing of the Peace




Offering Song:

Offering Prayer

Communion Song: “Veni Sancte Spiritus” (repeat as desired)

Text: Pentecost Sequence; Taize Community, 1978

Music: Jacques Berthier, 1923-1994

Copyright Administrator: GIA Publications, Inc.

Eucharistic Prayer

P: Lord, remember us in your kingdom and teach us to pray:

Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,

your will be done,

on earth as in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins

as we forgive those who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial

and deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours

now and for ever. Amen.

Communion Song: “Eat This Bread” (repeat as desired)

Text: John 6; adapt. Robert Batastini, b. 1942, and the Taize Community

Music: Jacques Berthier, 1923-1994

Copyright Administrator: GIA Publications, Inc


Distribution of Communion


Dismissal & Post-Communion Prayer

Prayer Song: “Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying" (Sung before and after the prayers)

Text: Ken Medema, b. 1943

Music: Ken Medema, b. 1943

Copyright Administrator: Hope Publishing Company (ASCAP)

Prayer of the Church

Prayer Song: “Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying" (Sung before and after the prayers)

Text: Ken Medema, b. 1943

Music: Ken Medema, b. 1943

Copyright Administrator: Hope Publishing Company (ASCAP)


P: In the quiet of our souls, in the comfort of your love we come to you, O Lord. We come for help; we come for wholeness; we come for forgiveness and love. For in the death of Christ is our death. In the life of Christ is our salvation. We live and die with Christ, our Lord.

All: Amen.

Sending Song:

(A blessing for healing may be offered at this time.)

You are invited to stay to meditate and pray, or to leave quietly.

Music for Meditation