Reconciliation Litanies

Litany for Reconciliation

The people described below are real. I either know them personally,

or learned of their stories from family and friends. LF

Song: People of the Word vs. 1, 2 (Ray Makeever, Dancing At The Harvest 1, AugsbergFortress Press) or other appropriate song or verse

(Spoken over music)

P: Hear the words of a receptionist in Portland:

A: My heart aches even as I smile; my parents kicked me out of my home at age 16 when I told them I was gay.

C: O Lord, may we always be a safe place, a healing place, a place blessed to say

All: All are welcome here.

P: Hear the words of a girl from Alexander:

A: My face is calm even as my stomach tightens; my classmates shun me and make fun of me every day.

C: O Lord, may we always be a safe place, a sustaining place, a place blessed to convey

All: All are welcome here.

P: Hear the words of a woman in Nashville:

A: I will never forget it. The day they burned a cross on my front yard.

C: O Lord, may we always be a safe place, a comforting place, a place blessed to demonstrate

All: All are welcome here.

P: Hear the words of a man in Rockford:

A: My eyes flinch even as I walk tall; my church asked me to leave when they found out I was a transvestite.

C: O Lord, may we always be a safe place, an accepting place, a place blessed to advertise

All: All are welcome here.

Song: People of the Word vs. 3 (Ray Makeever, Dancing At The Harvest 1, AugsbergFortress Press) or other appropriate song or verse

P: Hear the words of a woman from Long Island:

A: I don't ever want to go to Germany. I'm afraid of what I'll feel; many of my relatives died in concentration camps.

C: O Lord, may we always be a safe place, a loving place, a place blessed to proclaim

All: All are welcome here.

P: Hear the words of a woman in Chicago:

A: My lips harden even as I breath deeply; my friends of 30 years ordered me from their house when they found out my sons were gay.

C: O Lord, may we always be a safe place, a consoling place, a place blessed to assert

All: All are welcome here.

P: Hear the words of a sex offender from Columbia County:

A: I messed up big time. I know God has forgiven me, but I also know society never will.

C: O Lord, may we always be a safe place, a supporting place, a place blessed to impart

All: All are welcome here.

P: Hear the words of a woman from Los Angeles:

A: I can't return to worship. My church excommunicated me because I divorced my abusive husband and I feel unworthy.

C: O Lord, may we always be a safe place, an affirming place, a place blessed to express

All: All are welcome here.

Song: People of the Word vs. 4 (Ray Makeever, Dancing At The Harvest 1, AugsbergFortress Press) or other appropriate song or verse

P: In a world where hurts are easily dealt to others by individuals and groups,

C: We seek to heal.

P: In a world where oppression hides behind social acceptance,

C: We do our best to uncover our blindness.

P: In a world where injustice is common,

C: We work to be advocates for those wronged.

P: In a world filled with prejudice and hate, fill us with love, O Lord,

C: That we may be a people who love the loveless, touch the outcast and welcome the stranger. Let us speak the words of acceptance.

P: Amen.

C: So be it, Lord.

Greeting of peace:

P: May the peace of the Christ Jesus be with you,

C: And also with you.

P: Let us share the peace of God, the peace which knows no bounds.

+ + +

A: God of love, you have brought us into community with people of every time and place through your Son Jesus Christ. We give you thanks and praise for this gift. Open the hearts of all your people that we may see our differences as a joyful expression of your never-ending creation. Instill in us a spirit of acceptance and understanding that we may be Christ to our nation and our world.

C: Amen.