Lent Liturgy: A Journey

Prayer and Mediation

Below are some worship resources which you are welcome to use at no charge. Please just use a copyright acknowledgment "Copyright Lisa Frenz 2010. All Rights Reserved. Used with permission."


Wall sconce: Light three candles every week before the service in an inward spiral. Leave the center candle unlit at the end of the five weeks. OR reverse the process? Light all 16 candles the first week, and reduce the number by three each week thereafter, leaving only one candle lit for Passion Sunday.

Baptismal Font Candle: Remove from font.

Lenten Candles: 4 tapers or columns on a table in front of the pulpit to be lighted during the service.

Altar Candles: Light only the two on the altar

Prayer Walk Stations:

Prayer Stations are small tables set up around the sanctuary with symbols, scriptures, candles, objects, etc. that aid in meditation and prayer. They also have small pieces of paper and pencils available for people to write thoughts, prayers, pictures, whatever which they wish to share with God.

Six stations: two in front, two in back, and the Baptismal font in the center front can be one of the Prayer Walk stations.

Use a verse or two from the psalms for the five weeks of Lent for the focus of five stations. The Apostles' or other creed the focus of the sixth.

Station 1: Because you have made the Lord your refuge, no evil shall befall you.

Station 2: "Come my heart says, "seek God's face!" You face, Lord, do I seek.

Station 3: My soul is satisfied as with a rich feast, and my mouth praises you with joyful lips when I think of you and mediate during the late hours of the night.

Station 4: I acknowledged my sin to you, and I did not hide my wrong doing. Happy are those whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.

Station 5: The Lord has done great things for us, and we rejoiced. Those who go out weeping, bearing seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, carrying their sheaves.

Station 6: I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth;

I believe in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord; He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, and born of the Virgin Mary, He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended to the dead. On the third day He rose again. He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. AMEN.

Lighting: Dim

▲ = Stand as you are able ▼ = Sit

Order for Worship

▼ Lighting of Altar Candles

(Turn off sanctuary lights.)


(Video/Powerpoint/Photos with music or just music - no more than 2-3 minutes in length) See sample jpgs


(Bring up lights.)

Suggested Choir Anthem or Congregational Song: "Oculi Nostri" (Taize)

(Light 1st Lenten Candle.)

P: The Lord be with you.

C: And also with you.

Prayer of the Day:

A: Let us pray.

(All speak the prayer.)

Lesson Song:

First Lesson


Psalm (spoken)


Second Lesson


▲ Gospel Lesson

▼ Silence


Theme Song:

▲ Prayer Walk:

(Light 2nd Lenten Candle.)

(All may move to the prayer stations around the room.)

(When all return to their seats we continue with the song.)

My Heart

Words and Music by Bart Hafeman, http://www.bartpro.com. "My Heart" by Bart Hafeman All rights reserved.

or another short, simple refrain

All you want is my heart

It's been that way from the start

In spite of all my attempts to please you,

Really all that you want is my heart.


Prayers of the Church

▼ Blessing for Healing:

(Light 3rd Lenten Candle.)

Healing Song: Come Follow in the Path

Tune: based on Los Bibilicos

Music: arr. Lisa Frenz

Words: Lisa Frenz


Sing one verse each week of Lent. (Verse six might used on Passion Sunday or Good Friday.)

Lent 1:

1. Come follow in the path that Jesus trod. The path to save us all.

Come walk with him a lonely road. Come see the cross, the hammer blows.

On this day of visions past we open hearts anew.

We gaze upon our Savior's love expressed in sacrifice and death.

Refrain: Now come with me along that road, and follow it to the end.

It leads to hope and life renewed, to Christ arisen from the dead.

Lent 2:

2. Come follow in the path that Jesus trod. The path to save us all.

Come walk with him a lonely road. Come see the cross, the hammer blows.

Come see the tears he cried for you. Come see him reaching out.

O seek the Lord, call blessings on his name. Wait for the Lord, who is your light.

Refrain: Now come with me along that road, and follow it to the end.

It leads to hope and life renewed, to Christ arisen from the dead.

Lent 3:

3. Come follow in the path that Jesus trod. The path to save us all.

Come walk with him a lonely road. Come see the cross, the hammer blows.

O you who thirst for waters pure. O you who seek God's love!

Now listen to your Savior's call. Repent. Seek pardon for your sins.

Refrain: Now come with me along that road, and follow it to the end.

It leads to hope and life renewed, to Christ arisen from the dead.

Lent 4:

4. Come follow in the path that Jesus trod. The path to save us all.

Come walk with him a lonely road. Come see the cross, the hammer blows.

Our God has stepped outside the rules, received us back again!

And now God pays the price for us. Takes our death, rejection and disgrace.

Refrain: Now come with me along that road, and follow it to the end.

It leads to hope and life renewed, to Christ arisen from the dead.

Lent 5:

5. Now come with me along that road, and follow it to the end.

It leads to hope and life renewed, to Christ arisen from the dead.

The day will dawn renewed by God. Rebuilt by love reborn!

For Christ alone has banished death. The promised covenant of God.

Refrain: Now come with me along that road, and follow it to the end.

It leads to hope and life renewed, to Christ arisen from the dead.

Prayer for Healing

Anointing with oil:

(All who wish may come forward for a Blessing of Healing.)

Greeting of Peace:

(When all have returned to their seats, the Pastor continues:)

▲ P: In hope and love we have come for healing and peace. Let us share Jesus' gift. The peace of the Lord be with you.

C: And also with you.

(All share a greeting of peace.)


Holy Communion:

(Light 4th Lenten Candle.)

Prayer and Institution of the Bread and Wine

The Lord's Prayer

▼ Distribution of Holy Communion

P: May the body and blood of our precious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, nourish you and keep you always in God's loving presence.

C: Amen.

Music for Meditation


P: May God continue to call you to newness life in Christ.

May you grow in

Spiritual striving


a more responsible lifestyle

May God hold you close, now and always.

C: Amen.

Sending Song:

Community Announcements

A: Go in peace. Serve the Lord.

C: Thanks be to God.
