Native American


Adoration + Confession + Thanksgiving + Supplication

Order for Worship

As you are able: ▲ = Please stand. ▼= Please sit


Prelude & Candle-lighting

▲ Apostolic Greeting:

P: Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts. The whole earth is full of God’s glory. The grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

C: And also with you!

Praise Song: Many and Great, O God, Are Your Works


Text Source: Text: Joseph R. Renville, 1779-1846, para. Philip Frazier, 1892-1964, alt.

Music Source: Music: Dakota tune

Prayer of the Day

Responsive Reading:

L: Let us who love the song of God rise up and follow him in love.

C: Let us look to the ways of the Lord . . . shall lead us.

L: Let us continually give thanks unto him who had mercy upon us.

C: The Son of God came . . . and we heard him.

[from Cherokee Hymn 26: Heaven Beautiful]

Words: Chereokee Hymn Book; common phonetic transliteration by Marilyln M. Hofstra (Choctaw, Chickasaw) © 1992; Eng. Paraphrase by Jennie Lee Fife (Cherokee) © 1992.

Source: Voices: Native American Hymns and Worship Resources © 1992 Marilyn M. Hofstra.


▼ Children’s Message

First Reading


Second Reading

▲ Acclamation Song: Hallelujah!/Heleluyan

Music: Muscogee (Cree) Indian; trans. Charles H. Webb, b. 1933

Holy Gospel

Gospel Responses:

Leader: The Gospel of our Lord ___

People: Glory to You, O Lord!

[After the Gospel is read...]

Leader: The Word of the Lord!

People: Praise to You, O Christ!

▼ Music for Meditation & Message

▲ Theme Song:

Statement of Faith (See Statements of Faith if not using The Apostles’ Creed)

Confession of Sin & Forgiveness:

L: Come, O Holy Spirit! Come . . .Bless us!

C: Come and awaken our . . . we implore you.

L: O Holy Spirit! Our minds . . . Enlighten us!

C: Our hearts are filled with . . . that we are. Cleanse us!

[from Choctaw Hymn 48]

Words: Trad. Choctaw; common phonetic transliteration by Marilyn M. Hofstra (choctaw, Chickasaw © 1992; Eng. Paraphrase by Harry Folsom (Choctaw) © 1992

Source: Voices: Native American Hymns and Worship Resources © 1992 Marilyn M. Hofstra.

L: The circle of love is repeatedly broken because of the sin of exclusion. We create separate circles: . . .d the circle of depravation.

C: Forgive us our sins, as we forgive all who have sinned against us.

L: The circle of love is broken whenever there is . . . and a hardening of the heart.

C: Forgive us our sins, as we forgive all who have sinned against us.

L: The circle of love is broken whenever we cannot see . . .affirm our differences.

C: Forgive us our sins, as we forgive all who have sinned against us.

L: Through God’s grace we are forgiven, by the mercy . . . and be glad!

All: Glory to God. Amen.

From: “Circle of Love,” Woman Prayer Woman Song by Miriam Therese Winter. Adapted by Native American Ministry of Presence, Denver, Colordado. © 1987 by Medical Mission Sisters.

Source: Voices: Native American Hymns and Worship Resources © 1992 Marilyn M. Hofstra.


Greeting of Peace:

Leader: We are forgiven and at peace with God through Jesus Christ; let us also be at peace with one another.

[A greeting of peace is shared...]

▼ Offering of Gifts & Music

[After the offering is received at the altar...]

▲ Offertory Prayer:

L: Let us pray...

C: Thank you, Lord, for all that you have given us. Thank you for the beauty of the universe that you created; the trees, . . .appreciate your creation and to live with our eyes, ears, and hearts open to your message. Amen.

From Mohawk prayer tradition by Sue Ellen Herne (Mohawk) © 1991

Source: Voices: Native American Hymns and Worship Resources © 1992 Marilyn M. Hofstra.

Great Thanksgiving Prayer

▼ Distribution of Holy Communion

▲ Song of Thanks:


Centering Prayer

L: Let us pray.

C: My spirit is one with you, Great Spirit. You strengthen me . . . path of understanding and peace.

From Lakota prayer tradition.

Source: Voices: Native American Hymns and Worship Resources © 1992 Marilyn M. Hofstra.

L: We will act out the ceremonial, recalling that Christ is the center of creation, the central reality . . . by his Spirit is able to renew the face of the earth. (Carry processional cross to center.)

A: First, let us all face a center point. (all face center, pause)

L: From the East, the . . . and knowledge.

A: Let us face East (gesture; all face East, pause) and let us pray:

C: Enable us, O God, to be wise in . . ., partaking of them in thankfulness. (All face center, pause)

L: From the South comes . . .and end of life.

A: Let us face South (gesture; all face South, pause) and let us pray:

C: May we walk good paths, O God, living on . . . you renewing the face of the earth. (All face center, pause)

L: From the West . . . waters.

A: Let us face West (gesture; all face West, pause) and pray that the Spirit of God may again breath over the waters making them pure, making them fruitful. Let us pray:

C: We pray that we too may be purified . . . face of the earth. (All face center, pause)

L: From the North come purifying . . . and wind of life.

A: Let us face North (gesture; all face North, pause) and let us pray:

C: May the air we breath be purified so that life . . . face of the earth. (All face center, pause)

From Lakota prayer tradition by Christian Native American Women for World Day of Prayer 1981 © 1981 Church Women United.

Source: Voices: Native American Hymns and Worship Resources © 1992 Marilyn M. Hofstra.

Prayers of the Church Celebrate

Prayer Response:

The Lord’s Prayer:

Leader: Let us pray with confidence in the words our Savior gave us:

All: Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,

your will be done,

on earth as in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins

as we forgive those who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial

and deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours,

now and forever. Amen.

Post-Communion Prayer:

L: Oh Great Spirit,

C: when we walk the path of beauty with sincerity, honesty, courage, and truthfulness, we are like the upright basket . . . us to always be upright, to receive and share the blessings of life. Amen.


Source: Voices: Native American Hymns and Worship Resources © 1992 Marilyn M. Hofstra.


L: God is before us.

C: God is behind us.

L: God is above us.

C: God is below us.

L: God’s words shall come from our mouths.

C: For we are all God’s essence, a sign of God’s love.

L: All is finished in beauty.

C: All is finished in beauty.

From Navajo prayer tradition.


In Beauty We Walk (Marty Haugen)

▼ Community Announcements



A: Go in peace! Serve the Lord!

C: Thanks be to God!
