Ugly Areas

Ugly Areas describes places where it is often not practical to play the ball, nor do relief procedures make for practical alternatives. In late August 2020 some "ugly areas" have been worked on and have been improved to the extent that locating and playing a ball in the rough is now feasible. The table below has been updated to indicate that there are some improvements. However, the reality exists that they are "rough" and not Penalty Areas.

This picture shows green lines drawn to highlight Ugly Areas. These are treed areas on #16. Cedars are to the right of the 16th fairway and spruce are to the left.

These areas are not defined as Penalty Areas (previously called Hazards) and there are limited choices in how a player may proceed.

If my ball ends up where the letter "A" sits amongst the spruce (and it has) my choices are to try to play it, or declare it unplayable. There is a further option if the ball is lost. Similarly amongst the cedars (position "B"). I have been there too!

Most "Ugly Areas" have common situations that are similar to this example.

Play it as it lies:

Players know there is always a risk that the intended shot may not improve the situation.

In these sort of cases, "Play it as it Lies" to avoid taking a penalty can easily lead to more jeopardy. Imagine the scenario where the ball has come to rest amongst some evergreen needles and there is a clear view between branches out to the fairway.

Take the shot!

However the shot is slightly high and hits those branches and the ball ricochets back amongst the needles, branches and fallen twigs. The same options are still available as described below, but the Stroke and Distance option is now back to the point of the last attempted shot (amongst the needles) not back to where the shot was taken that led you into the forest originally.

If the ball is found a player can "play it as it lies" and try to make the best of the situation, or "declare it unplayable" (player's decision) and take relief in one of the following. If it is lost, there is only Stroke and Distance Relief (or in some cases) Alternative to Stroke and Distance Local Rule (which Gaffers adopted).

If the player decides that it is not practical to play the ball where it is, they "declare it unplayable" (player's decision) and take relief using one of the following three relief options and they have not changed in the current rules. If the player "takes relief" one penalty shot is added and the player can elect to do one of ...

    1. Stroke and Distance relief - Go back to the point where you played the last shot. It is possible that if you knew (or suspected) the ball might be lost you might have thought to play a provisional ball from the same spot before leaving, but this can only be used for a Lost or Out of Bounds ball. Using the provisional is NOT permitted if you find the original and declare it to be unplayable.

    2. Back on a line. - this is back on a line from the hole through where the ball came to rest. In the picture above if the ball was at the spot where the letters ("A" or "B") are shown, back on the line is shown by the yellow lines. There may sometimes be some playable area back there, so it may be an option in these cases. It is NOT back along the line it had been played. Relief may be taken as far back as the player wishes, but of course however far back you go, to get to the green you will have to hit over, or around the trees in some way or another.

    3. Within 2 club lengths of where the ball came to rest, not nearer the hole. If the ball is more than 2 club lengths into the area, then this is not a practical option to get clear of the area, though the player may be able to find a slightly better lie than the one they have. Theoretically, a player could take multiple one-stroke penalties, each time getting closer to a playable lie.

However if the ball is lost (cannot be found within 3 minutes of looking) , Stroke and Distance relief as described above is the only option for a Lost Ball. For 2019 the Rules have added a procedure whereby the player can proceed out to the fairway (provided there is fairway) no closer to the hole. This is the Alternative to Stroke and Distance Local Rule but realise that this imposes two penalty strokes. Note that this option is not available if the ball is found prior to the player's next shot nor if the player already played a provisional ball from the point of the original shot.

For a ball that comes to rest in any of the areas described below, there are descriptions of the challenges with which a player may be faced, and how to proceed under the rules.

This table may not be complete - you are welcome to email if you have any favourite "Ugly Areas"