Post date: Dec 19, 2015 8:46:53 PM

I know what you are thinking..."Just what we need MORE rules". Well, to maintain order and prevent chaos, we do. They are a very necessary evil. HOA Rules are there so that everyone in the association can enjoy their homes to the maximum degree without having to police and confront each other. In addition, they protect your investment by ensuring a consistent and positive appearance. Remember, anything heard or seen outside of your unit does affect your neighbors, even though you may feel you are not bothering anyone. We are just encouraging everyone to be respectful, and ask that you make yourself familiar with the rules prior to taking any action.At the Board Meeting on 12/8/2015, five (5) Resolution Policies were adopted. Some of these policies introduce new rules and policies to follow, while others were just reformatted for organization. You will notice that the first policy adopted, A-2015-01 Creation & Use of Resolutions, is to establish a more efficient way to manage policies; thereby knowing which policies are active and how to find them. Policies, A-2015-02 Schedule of Fines and A-2015-03 Rules Enforcement, are for the purpose of establishing a consistent manner on enforcement of rule violations. This prevents a Board from arbitrarily assigning fines and provides a more concise process to ensure owners understand their rights and know what to expect.Policy, P-2015-01 Rental Policy, makes it easier for owners renting to understand the CC&R's governing renting within the HOA, and also ensures that renter's are receiving and understand the current HOA rules and regulations, since any violations by renters will subject owners to fines. This policy also provides a requirement that the owners shall provide tenant information to the HOA to have on file for emergency purposes. Please remember that any information provided to the HOA shall not be shared with any other party. Any owner currently renting is REQUIRED to complete the Owner Contact/Tenant Information Form and return it by January 31, 2016. Every Owner should complete the form and return to ensure their information is up to date.

Policy, P-2015-02 General Rules & Regulations, does not change the current rules already on file. This merely places the existing rules and regulations into the approved format established under A-2015-01.

If you have any questions, please contact the Association Manager, Mario. It is better to ask now than to ignore and unexpectedly be subject to a fine.

These new policies are attached below, but can also be found in the "Download Section" of the website.

Your cooperation and understanding is appreciated by the Board.