Showcase Project 3

EPS 415 Privacy Course

In the only ethics course in the University of Illinois Ed.M. eLearning program, Information Technology Ethics, the final project was a group effort to create a composite paper regarding one specific topic as it relates to ethics. Our group decided to turn our project into a short course, which we developed in Google Sites. We developed our content offsite and then created the website course. I was the primary person in the group responsible for placing and formatting content onto our Google Site. Our topic of choice was privacy, so we delved into several different aspects of privacy and ethics, and the experience of finding resources and writing content was extremely enlightening, bringing privacy issues to the forefront of my mind.

I selected this project to include in my ePortfolio because it is a multimedia-based, engaging group project that was designed using a simple interface. It shows how easy it is to put together educational activities and learning objects.

Unfortunately, this project is no longer available online.