Week 2 - 1/16/09

Post date: Jan 17, 2009 1:56:49 AM

This has been an interesting week so far. The group collaboration seems to be going well so far (although at the time of this writing, we haven't really collaborated on the articles yet, just figured some things out). The director's address confuses me sometimes more than it helps. Most of what it talked about seemed to refer to future weeks, and not this one. I did at least learn that Fithian (the fictional entity we are pitching to) already has an extensive training set and is mainly looking to move their existing training to a distance learning solution. This will be helpful in completing the final project.

My research this week has been focused on education theory, and distance education theory. There are a lot of different interesting theories out there. I find connectivism to be the most interesting, and it seems to be what we are doing in my organization -- basically exposing people to knowledge and then reminding them where to find it as time goes along. We are running into the problem of "people forget how to do things"...and maybe it's because it's becoming impossible to store everything in our minds -- instead maybe we need to store where the instructions are, rather than the process itself. Interesting to think about...