iPad Bingo

iPad Bingo

I am a Apple Distinguished Educator in the class of 2011 and Apple Professional Learning Specialist 2016.

I am a MOE accredited facilitator who can come to your school and support your students and teachers in their use of digital technologies.

I often use iPad Bingo to explore some of the really useful features of using iPads with learners. You can make a copy of my iPad Bingo Google Doc and customise it to use with your people.


I have also made a kids' version of the iPad Bingo. Make a copy and put your own email address in it so kids can email you their photos, not me!!!

But sometimes I have to move on too quickly with some of the features not yet mastered.

Here are the 'answers'. Just tap on the square that you want to know more about a short video will appear showing you how to do it!!

Just so you know how I did it this is an embedded Google Drawing with invisible boxes hyperlinked to You Tube videos!