
Look to the drop down menu for links to pages of tutorials specifically around the use of Book Creator, Explain Everything and basic use of your iPad with iPad Bingo!!

These are some of the basic workflows you do to post things from your iPad to your blog, some by me, some by others in my Personal Learning Network.

Making a photo collage with Pic Collage and embedding it on your blog -here is how to do it as a blog post

Editing a simple video, uploading it to Vimeo and embedding it on your blog - here is how to do it as a blog post.

Recording a screen recording with Show Me and embedding it on your blog - here is how to do it as a blog post.

Recording a screen recording with Show Me and embedding it on your blog - here is how to do it as a blog post.

How to use Speech Selection and Reader with Safari on an iPad.

Here are my blog posts on how to make and use QR codes

Using folders in Google Drive to collect and annotate student work.

  • Setting up Guided Access so users cannot exit an app or disable parts of the screen. Remember your passcode!