Teacher Apps

These apps are some that I would recommend if you had an iPhone or iPad for your own personal use as an adult, not necessarily aimed at children's use.

Remember if you have an iPhone 4 or better you can use it as a personal hotspot and you can let your iPad link to it wirelessly to get internet on the move without paying a 3G subscription on the iPad. To find out how to do that, click here.

Facebook (free)

I prefer Facebook on my iPad to viewing on my laptop!


Echofon for iPhone (free)

This is the Twitter app that I use- has some features that are really useful- tweet on the move!


Pinterest (free)

Pin things you like on the web onto virtual pinboards so you can find them later. Social media- share your pinboards and make them collaboratively.


Weathershot Used to Instaweather (free)

Records the weather by taking a photo and adds data to it- easy to share to social media. I wrote this blog post to share how I might use it.


Photo Transfer (free but with in app purchases)

Use this app to wirelessly transfer photos, screengrabs and videos to and from your iPad to you laptop over the same wireless system. Wifi Transfer does the same sort of thing but is free.


Skype (free)

Do your Skype from your iPad. Make free phone or video calls to other people with Skype.



Air New Zealand Mobile (free)

Put in your flight details and it remembers when you have to fly- it even has the code that you scan to get through security.


Words with Friends HD

Play scrabble with your friends.


Red Cross First Aid and Emergency (free)

DRSABC- Danger, Response, Send for help, Airways, Breathing, Circulation

If you have time to look up stuff it may be useful.


AED Locations (free)

Have it on your phone and it may well save a life. It will locate the nearest place to you that has a defibrillator. When seconds count this is a must. Screengrab It helped to save a lady's life here in Nelson. Shame that it shows all- not just the ones that are 24 hour accessible.


Kindle App (free)

Use this app to log in to your Kindle account and synch your books- just like a Kindle tablet but it's an app.


Genius Scan ($11:99)

Take a scan of something like a til receipt. Genius scan detects the shape of the image and makes it into a rectangle shape. Exports as a pdf of jpeg. Great for recording expenses.


Flipboard (free)

Makes a beautifully crafted personalised magazine out of your interests via RSS


Evernote (Free)

Write notes, take photos, record audio. Tag it and synch it over all your devices. A must have.


iPhone, iPad and Desktop

Honk (free)

Get a parking spot, swipe the meter for the time you've paid for. The app tells you how long you've got on the meter, via GPS it knows how far away from your car you are and warns you in time to get back before you get a parking ticket and shows you where your car is and how to get there.


iTranslate (free)

You speak the first language and it translates it into a myriad of other languages.
