Book creator

I often say that if I was only allowed to have one paid app on my iPad it would be Book Creator. So this page is devoted to my One Best Thing.

Book Creator is made by and is available for Android and iPad. Their website has a blog with ideas from teachers all over the world and plenty of great support through the forums.

Here is a great mash up of Tellagami and Book Creator to get you started. (2.35min)

Greg Swanson made this short video on how to insert text and image hyperlinks to websites. (2.56min)

Paul Hamilton gives us some ideas on how he has used Book Creator as a reading response tool. (3.27min)

Book Creator exports so easily to Seesaw- this blog post and video shows you how.

Book Creator can now be used on any device using Chrome. From here you can click to publish on line really easily.

Here is a link to one I made very quickly.

And now, with the update you can export your book as movie to your camera roll or straight to your You Tube channel. Here is how to do it.

Also you can use the Chrome extension Readium to play the finished books on your laptop. I have written and recorded a tutorial to show you how on my blog.

To get the editable books onto your laptop or other iPads Flick is a great way of doing it. Flick works on iPad, Android, Mac, Windows or Linux.

Once you have finished your book you will most likely want to open it in iBooks app on your iPad so it can't be edited again and behaves more like a real book. It is also brilliant for flicking photos and video from one device to another, iPad, Mac, Windows, Android or Linux.

To open the book you have created ready to Flick across to another device look at your list of books- go to the out arrow but and OPEN IN ANOTHER APP.

To open it in iBooks you can do that same thing. Opening it in iBooks is great because it then stops being editable so little fingers can't muck up the finished book.

To be able to share your books across to other iPads for children to read if it is small you may be able to email it but if there is lots of audio or video it might be too big to email. In that case upload it to Google Drive or Dropbox to have it ready to share with a downloadable link like in this Moturoa Class blog post.

Here is a tutorial video that shows you how that workflow might look.

Here is how it would look like in a blog post and as an exported video.

If you exported the book as a pdf it could also be embedded on a blog through the You Publisher Website. Click on the image to see the embedded book.

Book Creator will now publish directly to the web at the click of a button through a teacher account.

Here is how it might look on line- the preview can also embed in a blog.

To take it that one step further you can publish your book to the iTunes store yourself.

Instructions are here.

Step One- Create an account with iTunes Connect

Step Two- Install iTunes Producer

Step Three- Add your book to iTunes Producer

Step Four- Wait for Apple to approve your book and then you are good to go!

Formatting video for the iBookstore

  • Book Creator will import your video in Apple’s Quicktime format which is great for most needs. However, if you plan to submit your book to Apple’s iBookstore then you will need to convert your videos into M4V format. You can do this by bringing up the video inspector, and choosing Format.
  • Preview of cover art needs to be 1400 pixels across the shortest side.
  • Preview of other pages can be a variety of sizes but I like 1024 x 768 pixels.
  • Other sizes can be 1024x748, 768x1024, 768x1004, 2048x1536, 2048x1496, 1536x2048, 1536x2008
  • To change the image size I open it in preview and go TOOLS- ADJUST SIZE. You need to untick SCALE PROPORTIONALLY so you can manually change the width and breadth so they are right.

Here is my example book published to iTunes on how to blog.

And our Brightwater class book of writing from our blog posts. Here is the blog post on how we put it together.