
Quick Maths (free)

Appeals to my competitive streak. You can choose the levels and the operation combination. A series of quick maths questions are asked and you quickly write your answers on the screen. It graphs your progress to encourage you to go faster or to compare users.

Foldify ($5.99)

Takes making nets to the next level. Chose from a variety of nets and add images from your camera roll before printing off. Would work nicely with this QR code activity using Foldify and QR Code Maker for making QR codes directly on the iPad.

Learning Money New Zealand ($1:29)

Great for counting money and giving change. Adapted for using New Zealand Coins. The twenty cent coin is out of date. I have tried to contact the developer but this web site isn't active.

Multi-touch Mathematics ($2.99)

A real favourite of mine. You can change and combine the operations. You solve a problem like 27+9 then you put three fingers in the ten, one finger on the five and one on the one. Lends itself to co-operative use.

Apple Numbers (free)

Numbers is a spreadsheet tool- it can read and export Excel files

Math Tappers (free)

I like it cos you can change the difficulty to suit the child, You can add individual names. Good for checking on speed and accuracy of number bonds to 10.

Touch Counts (free)

Makes nice use of the features of an iPad- great help with group, adding, skip counting, number lines etc.

Tens Frame ($2:99)

An engaging tens frame that you can use and reuse all over again without having to do find counters and laminate. Made by kiwi Matt Thomas from Selwyn Ridge School.

Factor Samurai ($4:49)

Like Fruit Ninja but with educational purpose- you slice the numbers to their prime factorisation.

Math Bingo ($4.49)

The music could soon get irritating but kids love it. Like it cos you can add a few individual names and change the operation.

AL-Abacus ($2.99)

Handy when there aren't enough real abacuses to go round.

Maths Slide- 1-100 (Free)

This is a lovely collaborative app played with between two and four players each taking turns. Take a look at others by the same developer as well.

100s Board ($4:49)

Add another hundred's board to your class set of equipment. Here is a video of the app in action.

Number Pieces Basic (free)

The ones, tens, hundreds are in different colours but you can get it with all one colour as well. You can write on the board to describe the numbers as well.

Operation Code Math Squad ($4:49)

Race against up to three other players to solve the equations. You can choose your operations and your level which is useful. Engaging.

Mathletics Student (free)

The app itself is free but you have to buy your Mathletics registration to be able to log in to your own account. Look also for Mathletics Teacher iPhone app.

These following apps do not work with iOS11 but I live in hope that they will be updated someday...

Motion Math ($2.59) Not currently in the NZ app store

Although you can't set the starting level I like that this app to teach where fractions belong on a number line. If you get it wrong in gives you increasingly more helpful clues- and it helps with less than, greater than. It has lots of levels.

1, 2, 3 Sheep (free) Does not work with iOS 11

Three games. You are the farmer. Game One you have to count the sheep. Game two you have to distribute the sheep evenly in paddocks. Game three you are the dog and you skip count along the backs of sheep standing in a line.!/id526616896?mt=8