These apps are aimed at more senior students for notetaking and literacy

Notability ($14.99)

Notability powerfully integrates handwriting, PDF annotation, typing, recording, and organizing so you can take notes your way!

Soundnote ($7:49)

While listening to a talk, you push record and make the occasional key words or draw. You can then instantly recall that place in the lecture and replay it at a later date.

Mindmeister (free)

More detailed mind mapping. You can synch your maps with the on line version as well.

Prizmo - document scanning, OCR and speech ($13.99)

Take a photo of some text. The app will enhance the text and read it to you in an understandable voice. It connects with Dropbox. Here's a tutorial video. Great for senior students for whom accessing information is a struggle.

Word Collage ($1:49)

Very much like Wordle. You enter the words and it makes word collages out of them. Save to Photo Album or email.

Sherlock Holmes for the iPad (free)

Short stories of Sherlock Holmes