iPad Accessories

These are some things that I have bought to go with my iPad. I don't mean to favour any one particular seller it's just that is where I sourced the things I bought from. You could well get better deals or better products at other places.

3 Tier Trolley ($19)

This would be great- resources on the top shelf. The iPad with the camera facing down between the bars on the middle shelf and book on the bottom shelf. The whole thing will be lovely and still for recording book reading or like a visualiser!!

The Warehouse

iRig Mike ($99)

Uni-directional mike- great for recording one voice and not recording the hub-bub of a classroom.


Belkin Rockstar Headphone Splitter $25

Turns your iPad into a listening post for five children. Add your Learning Media CDs and Jump Jam tracks to the iTunes library and you're good to go!


VGA adapter ($49.00)

A vital part of my kit. Mirrors the iPad onto the big screen through a data projector. This one is for iPad 2. Look to the link for ones that match your iPad


Glif iPhone 4 tripod attachment ($28.00 US)

I got mine from the USA but bought two so didn't have to pay shipping. It fits on any tripod so you can hold your iPhone perfectly still for photography or videography. I use it in conjunction with a small gorilla tripod.



Microfibre Kitchen Sponges from any supermarket pretty much!!!

Perfect for cleaning your iPad. Great for workshop prizes and to give as gifts!!!!

Bluetooth Wireless headphones

Given my aversion to cords these are really cool. Great to wander the house with while you're Skyping as well as they have a noise reducing microphone inbuilt.


Bluetooth Keyboard

It snaps on to your iPad with a magnet and frees up the screen real-estate for quick typing. It took a little while to get my head around it as I immediately felt I was looking at a laptop and went searching for a mouse! When you're done it acts as an iPad cover.


Cosmonaut Wide Grip Stylus ($25.OO US=$32NZ)

I got mine from the USA but bought two so didn't have to pay shipping.



I have been looking about for another affordable option for buying stylus.

This Noris stylus is quite a cool concept in that it is a pencil but instead of having an eraser at the end it has a stylus.

I haven't been able to get them in the shops but Scott McIntosh from Office Max has been able to get them for $67.56 for a box of ten delivered. He can be reached on 021970181 or Scott.McIntosh@officemax.co.nz

He also said he is happy to send out one as a trial before committing to buying ten at a time.


Sensu Brush Stylus ($39.95US)

This brush is wonderful if you are an arty person who likes to paint or draw on your iPad. It is a real brush that acts as a stylus- the paint or lines flow so smoothly over my iPad which doesn't have a screen protector. I probably wouldn't let young children use it as they may well damage the bristles as they return it to its cover.


SuperShell iPad Case ($35US or there abouts)

I have been able to trial these cases and think they're great. They even bounce the iPad across the floor when dropped! Not to be encouraged but it does happen. Here is the original Supershell web site.

Stuart Hale has access to good soft shell iPad cases as well but you need to contact him directly on 0275 758 584 stuartnz@mac.com

Little Hand Band iPad Case ($49.95)

It has a nice carrying handle for children and when trialled worked well to protect the screen. They can be purchased from Imagetext with Ngaire Cooper as a contact person. They come in a variety of colours.

Here is a pdf flyer from Imagetext.

Multiport Port Powered USB Charger

Use it to easily charge ten iPads at a time.
