
These apps were born in New Zealand or have very specific kiwi content and it's good to support fellow kiwis doing great things.

Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy ($5.99)

A Kiwi favourite- it supports signing and children can record their own narration.

Wonkey Donkey ($7.49)

The app that sings along with the CD that you can get when you buy the book.

12 Huia Birds (free)

Nicely put together book read in Te Reo and English with supporting material.

Barnby Bennet ($7.49)

You can change the language to Te Reo as an option and record your own narration of the text. There is also an option to have the story signed.

Art Rage ($6.49)

Full art palette. Supports layers like Photoshop. Import a photo from your photo library as a layer and use it to trace/copy.

Kupu (free)

This app uses the camera in your phone to instantly translate objects into te reo Māori.

The One Winged Bee Called Emily ($1.29)

Here is a video to give you an idea of the graphics and plot. You can change the language to Te Reo as an option and record your own narration of the text. There is also an option to have the story signed.

These following apps do not work with iOS11 but I live in hope that they will be updated someday...

Maui and his First Journey (Free)

The story of Māui, his birth and life- in Te Reo

iMarae (free)

Know what to do when you go on a marae visit from Te Wānanga o Aotearoa.

Te Pūmanawa (free)

Excellent learning Te Reo app- constructed like a course. You need wifi for it to work. Easy to navigate. If you want to take the course with assessments and feedback you have to get a licence.

Kaha the Kea ($6.49)

Another from Craig Smith. I haven't actually downloaded it myself but the Wonky Donkey one is fun so I presume this one will be too.

Te Whata Raki (free)

Developed by Christchurch library

Reomations (free)

A series of animations promoting Te Reo. Made by MOE.

Flora Finder ($4:19)

Use it to take photos of the pants of New Zealand to identify them and learn more about them.

Learn Te Reo Māori ($2.59)

Gives you good models for frequently used Māori words and phrases.

Milly, Molly Maori Library (free)

Thirty animated stories in Te Reo Māori.

NZ Fauna (free)

Discover and identify New Zealand's diverse and wonderful animals.

What Bird? NZ (free)

Learn and hear more of New Zealand's birdlife.