Zhongshan Zhu

I have completed the graded portion BEFORE looking at anyone else's work on this assignment. Zhongshan Zhu.

I am interested in doing my midterm project on US casualties in Afghanistan and Iraq. I would like to learn about how inaccurate estimates about war casualties can be. I would like to see if there is a formula from which the government makes underestimates. I'd also like to see which states have the most inaccurate estimates. This topic is interesting to me because I've learned in my human behaviors class about anchoring bias. I think this could be a reason for underestimates in order to shape the public's perception. I'd be interested to see how the practice ( of anchoring the public's perception to a lower estimated casualty rate) is actually used. For this project, I'll mainly be looking at the differences between estimates and the actual values, the difference between death and wounded estimates/figures, and the difference between states.

As of right now, I don't have a team and will be completing the entire project alone. You can expect a map visualization that is able to show multiple aspects such as: percentage difference between actual values and estimates, and total count differences (ex. actual- estimates) between actual values.

