Chana Kraus-Friedberg

Link to my visualization:

I tried to keep the color coding on the first two storypoints consistent-I really wanted a red and blue that was slightly less saturated than what I ended up with, but Tableau seems limited in its color options once you choose a range. I think in this case the small multiples format worked better--I have to imagine that if you want to see sales and profitability, you want to be able to get a sense of the numbers across categories at a glance, which the filtered map doesn't allow you to do. That was why I used the small multiples format for the third map, as well--it seemed like another case when it would be good to be able to get a lot of information at a glance.

I tried something different for the map with quantity, sales,and profit-it seemed to me that quantity sold is really only meaningful in the context of sales and profit (but that it's equally meaningful both in terms of sales and profit). So I put the quantity sold as a label on the states, and used color and size to show profit and sales, respectively. I avoided using the red/blue color combo, since it's not necessarily the case here that lower numbers are worse (in a place like Wyoming, you could have sold profitably to every person in the state and still have made less money than you would make in California). i thought that the best way to show this would actually be to normalize by state population, but I wasn't sure if that was consistent with the assignment, so I left the numbers as is.

I have neither given nor received aid while working on this assignment. I have completed the graded portion BEFORE looking at anyone else's work on this assignment. Chana Kraus-Friedberg