Chana Kraus-Friedberg

This graph is probably middle of the road-it appears that it's primarily intended to allow readers to compare competitive eaters' total weight vs their rate of ingestion, categorized by type of food eaten. A bar chart is good for that kind of comparison; however, the images of food that are superimposed on the graph are distracting and make it more difficult to see the bars. Although having two Y axes is a good way to show two scales on the same graph, it's also a bit confusing that one of the axes (kg/min) matches the corresponding bars on the chart, while the other doesn't. The name of the champion eaters and the time it took them to eat whatever the food was are hard to read as well, since they appear in gray and on a crowded X axes. If the author wanted to include that information, it might have been better to have the bars be horizontal, so that the labels could be easier to read, or even just provide a table that included the champion for each kind of food.

I have neither given nor received aid while working on this assignment. I have completed the graded portion BEFORE looking at anyone else's work on this assignment. Chana Kraus-Friedberg