Zhongshan Zhu



Shows a positive correlation between salary and age ( not necessarily a strong correlation though).

Shows a positive correlation (between salary and years with company) but is still not necessarily strong dude to the two outliers impacting the scatter plot.

Can't really correlate or draw a line of best fit using gender (because the gender is does not have a numeric value and is categorical).

2. Age distribution grouped by work type.

I think a box and whisker plot would be most appropriate as it can show distributions (using the interquartile ranges and the median) while also ignoring outliers.

Sales Visualization

I chose a line chart as it can show trends in growth. It also allows us to compare the sales of multiple regions at once (by looking at the lines assigned to them). You can also compare which regions have the highest overall sales revenues by looking at the individual points on each line (and drawing conclusions from them).

I have completed the graded portion BEFORE looking at anyone else's work on this assignment. Zhongshan Zhu.