Group 2


  1. box and whisker plot (Anne, Lance, Lingjie, Miranda, Stephanie, Yiyang, Zhongshan)

  2. bar graph

    • bar chart gathered into groups by work type delineated by color/grouping (Kim, Melissa)

    • separated by gender (Chakiera)

    • stacked bar chart with color delineating age interval (Chana)

    • small multiple of individual bar chart by work type (Cheng)

Best was the box and whisker plot via Tableau (like Anne's) because it shows every individual person and also gives additional information of median, quartiles, the midspread 50% of values, etc. Additionally, the interactivity of the Tableau example allows for deeper investigation on command of the details/data for each plotted point/individual.

Good and Bad Visual Aspects:

    • GOOD: interactivity

    • GOOD: color when it adds information or clarity to the visualization

    • BAD: color when it is not actually communicating any information but looks like it might be

    • GOOD: work type along x-axis and salary along y-axis is an easier read

The majority of students used a timeline for Visualization #2. Visualization #1 had a mix of scatterplot, box and whiskers, and bar graphs. Box and whisker seemed to work best for showing the age distribution of males/females. The bar graph worked best for salary by department.