
Bike Routes

Do you bike to work? Show your favorite route(s) by using


    • Type in your address then zoom into

    • it.

    • Once at your address, click the "start recording" button on the

    • left.

    • Simply click on the starting point and then follow your

    • route. This works, as far as I can tell, how the crow flies so if

    • there are major turns you will have to keep clicking. This puts

    • in "legs" which will not really mean anything in this case.

    • Once you reach your desination point, you click the "save" on the left (or something like that).

    • From there, it will give you a URL. Post it here!

The list below shows different location separated by DC/VA/MD at this time. I linked the destination to the HOPE Listserve message describing the ride if there was such message available. The second link starting with "http:" is the actual map.

To DC Locations:

To MD Locations:

To VA Locations: