
Check out this new site that helps you learn what is and is not recyclable!

Fun to do with your kids!

The City of Hyattsville Recycling is picked up through Prince Georges County. Go this site for more information:

Prince Georges Recycles! - Single-Stream Recycling - No sorting! Put all recyclables into toter.

Check out this great listing of where to recycle on the Riverdale Park Wiki!


    • Earth911 - local listings of where you can recycle anything under the sun.

    • You don't need to remove labels from cans and bottles, but you do need to remove plastic caps (and throw them away).

    • Your recyclables don't need to be spotless - just not moldy or full of food. Save water - don't rinse 'til clean.


  • ALL PLASTICS!!! 1 THROUGH 7 now acceptable!

    • Beverage containers

    • Bleach bottles

    • Coat Hangers, metal & plastic

    • Coolers

    • Detergent bottles

    • Drinking cups (even those red plastic cups)/glasses

    • Flower Pots

    • Milk & water jugs

    • Margarine, butter tubs, yogurt containers

    • Narrow neck bottles & containers, other than for motor oils

    • Plastic bags, dry cleaning bags & shrink/stretch wrap (PLEASE stuff into a plastic bag first..not loose)

    • Prescription bottles

    • Toys


  • NO "Clam Shell" food containers (like you get at the salad bar, for example)


    • Beverage & Food glass containers, any color

    • Jars, any color



    • Most containers, such as tins and cans, and aluminum foil.

    • Aluminum pie pans, plates & trays

    • Aerosol Cans

    • Aluminum, steel & bi-metal drink, food & soda cans


    • All Carboard - corregated, colored, boxes (new!)

    • Newspapers, magazines, photocopies, shoe boxes, envelopes (including ones with glassine windows).

    • All paper products

Prince George’s County collects “yellow bin” recyclables from single-family homes on Thursday or Friday; whichever of those days is your regular solid waste collection day. For questions on recycling, call Prince George’s County at 301-952-7630.

  • Q. What happens to the material that is sorted and is not recyclable.

  • A. Material that is not recyclable that is sorted at the facility goes to the County Landfill.

  • Q. Financial - What are the costs per pound of recycling vs. trash?

  • A. Cost differs per material, but on average, the costs are about $40/ton for recycling and $49/ton for trash. Due to the processes involved in operating sanitary landfills, landfilling is normally a more expensive process than recycling.

  • Q. Education for children - Do you have coloring books or other kinds of outreach to schools that can be used?

  • A. We have general recycling and Department of Environmental Resources material that is geared to children however the bulk of our promotional material will be available in the fall. We are designing a rotating library exhibit for children